The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Mon Apr 29 23:15:06 . The Wolf Brothers Cork
Stalker said:
Wishing you luck

Mon Apr 29 23:06:08 . Night City Cork
Echo Fenix said:
#r-fenix Echo and Haven find Maul's old bunker in the desert to hide out in for the time being. Haven reads Echo's Paz file to him and Echo recounts the lore of his father, Victor Fenix.

Mon Apr 29 23:03:56 . Miscellaneous Views Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Buried Militech outpost
"It's okay, baby." He looks down at the floor. Resting his hands on the table. It was a lot. On top of the other a lot he has going on with Richter and Walsh.

"I don't know her." His voice is sad. Soft. November Fenix is just a name. There wasn't even a story to go with it like there was with Victor Fenix.

"But if she is half-Snake, that means she's dangerous to me." His tone gets a little more edged and serious there. While he doesn't know for sure, he will always carry a hatred for Snake Nation. No benefit of the doubt there. Kill On Sight, as Charlie, Tango, and Delta told him to.

He walks back from the table and over to you, leaning down to bite the piece of sushi you were holding...whether it was for you or for him. Chewing and swallowing as he narrows his eyes in thought...

"I have no idea what the hell ARKive is." He's never heard of it before. And when he finally does look it up in Paz's files, it'll just be one final mystery she left for him.

Echo takes the sushi box from you and closes it. Wraps it back up in...oh wait, there's a fridge. He'll just leave it in there.

"Thank you for telling me all that, Haven. But I really just want to get a good night's rest and forget about everything out there for a while." It would still be there when the sun came up.

'Goodnight's rest' means he's going to scoop you up in his arms and throw you over his shoulder. Cyberpunk Caveman Style. Then they'll wander around for a few minutes trying to find a cot. A bed. Something sturdy and soft to sleep (after a few hours) to sleep on.

And yes, Echo will avoid using Maul's bed for that.


Mon Apr 29 23:03:00 . Home Sweet Home
Dr. RAM said:
Home of Rrosie
~taking a look around after having been away~

Mon Apr 29 23:00:17 . transsexual picture gallery
ashley~pierced [tg] said:

Mon Apr 29 22:59:11 . transsexual picture gallery
ashley~pierced [tg] said:

Mon Apr 29 22:59:00 . Just One
Epifany said:

Mon Apr 29 22:57:42 . your dream sissy.
voda said:
Hi mona whiskey

Mon Apr 29 22:56:59 . your dream sissy.
voda said:
liccuu we need to talk

Mon Apr 29 22:50:09 . Just One
missy jo said:

Mon Apr 29 22:48:50 . Just One
Primo said:

Mon Apr 29 22:48:08 . Six Sexy Words
missy jo said:
moaning as they overflowed her holes

Mon Apr 29 22:47:19 . transsexual picture gallery
ashley~pierced [tg] said:

Mon Apr 29 22:47:06 . Just One
missy jo said:

Mon Apr 29 22:46:31 . Miscellaneous Views Night City RPG
Haven Darling said:
Buried Militech outpost
You say that Victor Fenix should've died and she gives a single nod. She doesn't know the whole story, but she doesn't need to know it to agree with you, to feel what you feel. Admittedly, part of her is grateful that you aren't upset. That there's just this old, seething anger there.

But that doesn't prepare her for your reaction to the news that you have a half-sister. Well, the choke she could've seen coming. Or, should've, anyway. But you're okay enough to run to get a drink and she sits quietly, awaiting the rest.

Family is so important to you. But, after you choke, you simply go straight to the facts. Surprised, but not bothered. Almost irritated, even. That she would exist. But she takes the bottle from you, listening as she takes a long drink from it. That intent-bordering-on-intense listening she does.

I'm sorry, Echo.

About your mother. Then, she's quiet for a few long moments before she asks.

But... November didn't do anything wrong to you. You don't even have the slightest interest in knowing her?

Curiously, but gently. The idea that you have family and that you don't want to know them is odd to her, unsettling, even. You want her to know her family, wanted it, even before you knew anything about them.

The rest is... just details.

A gesture to the data pad.

I don't think any of it will surprise you much. A profile summary that lists you both as a genius and easy to manipulate through emotional connections... a bit about The Battle of the Needles, which you still owe me the story... how you were an associate of the Valentinos... the Dynalar Heist... and something called Project ARKive.

Nestling the bottle of Ocean Water between them, she lifts a piece of sushi from the container, but not to her mouth.

I can read whatever you want though.

If you'd rather have her read it than reading it yourself, she means.

Mon Apr 29 22:46:15 . A Game of Words
Tiberius said:

Mon Apr 29 22:45:35 . Six Sexy Words
Primo said:
They just smiled, taking each other

Mon Apr 29 22:42:58 . Just One
Primo said:

Mon Apr 29 22:42:46 . A Game of Words
~f*cKs with words~ said:


Mon Apr 29 22:42:07 . Six Sexy Words
~f*cKs with words~ said:
letting her darK fantasies

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