The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Tue May 14 10:50:43 . Tiny Tops
sven said:

Tue May 14 10:49:21 . Tiny Tops
PantyLover said:
quietly looking in and admiring

Tue May 14 10:49:13 . transsexual picture gallery
ashley~pierced [tg] said:
wanders the halls

Tue May 14 10:49:08 . Tiny Tops
elizabet said:

Tue May 14 10:49:06 . transsexual picture gallery
ashley~pierced [tg] said:

Tue May 14 10:48:37 . Tiny Tops
lizzyw said:

Tue May 14 10:48:06 . Tiny Tops
elizabet said:

Tue May 14 10:46:32 . Tiny Tops
sven said:

Tue May 14 10:46:28 . transsexual picture gallery
ashley~pierced [tg] said:

Tue May 14 10:46:08 . Tiny Tops
skinny bi whore said:
delicious grl!

Tue May 14 10:45:59 . transsexual picture gallery
ashley~pierced [tg] said:

Tue May 14 10:45:17 . Tiny Tops
sven said:

Tue May 14 10:45:08 . Tiny Tops
skinny bi whore said:
i look a lot like her

Tue May 14 10:44:34 . Tiny Tops
skinny bi whore said:
i luv that!

Tue May 14 10:44:31 . transsexual picture gallery
ashley~pierced [tg] said:

Tue May 14 10:44:17 . Tiny Tops
skinny bi whore said:

Tue May 14 10:43:59 . Tiny Tops
sven said:
If i may add..

Tue May 14 10:43:39 . transsexual picture gallery
ashley~pierced [tg] said:

Tue May 14 10:43:13 . Raw Humanity
Seven said:
Steps in here and takes a breath.

"I was told by everyone around me that I shouldn't go to Nevada. I'm sure neither they nor I knew what would happen when I ignored them and went anyway. I lost touch with everyone here at SOI, which...was painful, but not even the half of it. I was at the whim of three disabled people at every moment of the day and night, even when I was sleeping. They would wake me to do their bidding, and I would do it out of a skewed perception of being loved. Don't get me wrong, there were good moments living there. But there was no life there, literally and figuratively. There were no squirrels, very few birds, and mostly bugs to keep one company when going outside for any reason. The mountain views were spectacular. I came to fear that the people I was living with might drive me out into the desert and cannibalize me, or just kill me and leave my body out there. This was not the paranoia I was used to. Mostly I just fear being watched all the time by everyone. Which for an attention whore you'd think I'd love that idea, but sometimes it can be downright scary. I spent a year and a half in Hell, and I fear I'll never get back to being the person I was before because of it. It's not right, and it's not fair. But this is life for some of us. For a long time, I tried to be strong. On December 21st, 2023 I tried to take my own life by swallowing pills. I told my then 'girlfriend' that I had done so and she got outraged. I went into the hospital for a short while. When I got out, I didn't feel like Nevada was home anymore. So I went for a walk in the desert at night and stumbled down a steep hill and smashed my face into a train rail, creating a near-invisible scar just under my right eyebrow. I saw white when my face hit and after crawling away from the tracks and laying down, I decided I wanted to go home. I went back into the hospital and left a sane person. Finally. After almost 14 years, I was stable. I started telling the people I lived with that I lied when I told them I loved them, and they demanded that I go back to the hospital. I told them it would be a waste of gas, which it was, but they took me anyway. On the way back from the SECOND visit of the night, I told Beth that I wanted to go to a hotel. That I did NOT want to go back to that house. She drove erratically, to which I asked her if she could please not do that. She proceeded to continue to do so, so I told her to let me out of the car. Funny enough, I was past the point where I wanted to die. I was ready to live again. Without them. After the THIRD time asking her to let me out, she crazily pulled over to the side of the road and let me out. I spent the next week or so in a hotel room, going back to the house only to get things that I believed I needed. And spending as little time as possible there as I could. I felt rushed to get out, and thus did not bring many things that I actually needed. I went a few days without socks, for example. I walked around in shoes with no socks for days. It felt like longer. I finally went to Kohl's and found that they had two pairs of fleece lined Columbia socks for 16 dollars. Eight bucks for a pair of socks sounded like a hell of a deal. When I put the socks on, my feet felt instantly better, and now I don't wear any other kind of socks. When I went back to the house to get all the stuff from my room to move, Beth stopped me and told me that if I didn't sign this piece of paper that I would not be allowed to go back into the house to retrieve my belongings. That's what the legal people call 'under duress'. Now I have a case pending from Beth telling me I need to pay her money because of that piece of paper, and part of me wants to tell her to shove it right up her ass. She might as well, it's not worth anything."


"But you know what? Life can be difficult. No one ever said it was gonna be easy. Our parents, our friends, even strangers try to help us along, but only we know the horrors that permeate our everyday lives if we don't share those things with others. It reminds me of the early days of my disorder. It made me think that I was alone. That I couldn't turn to anyone for help. I've struggled. God knows I've struggled. But I'm still here. And I will fight until the bitter end to spread my light and bring as much happiness and love to other people as I possibly can. And Beth thinks things are gonna go her way, but she is sorely mistaken. I have a few complaints and grievances with her and hers that have legal ramifications that will make sure THEY struggle. And God, it may make me a vindictive bitch, but I can't wait for them to have just a little taste of what it was like to live in my world for a while."

Tue May 14 10:43:02 . Tiny Tops
skinny bi whore said:

[End of Transfer]

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