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  • Thu Dec 21 09:10 CopyLink * - Subject: Solstice Greetings
    Rianna the Llyonesse said:
    As I gathered the bonds and thralls together last night to remind them of the cleansing of the hearths today, I had to pause and reflect upon those whom had departed from us this past full circle around the 3 moons. I bit back tears and emotion at the thoughts of not seeing them again until such time as it was my own to go and greet them. THen in speaking to those whom were gathered about, I wanted them to know that what they were doing was very important and why we were honoring the darkness on this day as once again we were alsom going to come to a time of welcoming back the light.
    "This feels like an important time to gather, to huddle close together. I want to honor the darkness within us and all around us. This moment, more than every before, we must learn how to not take for granted the luxuries of warmth, of light, of full bellies and friendships."

    From here I watched as the ashes were taken out from each home in the village, the hearths were cleaned and the fuel from the new was brought back in again, to be made ready for the Solstice merryment to take place later as the log was lit and each home would come to take embers from it to bring back the light into their own homes for the coming year.

    then I made my way walking through the village to get up on the wagon and going from Farm to farm to bestow greetings and bring them back the light... but first I had to make a stop for myself. Something I had put off for far too long and My heart was ever so heavy for it. I dismounted the wagon with some help from Magnus who had accompanied me to the Rune for Donar... and I could not with all my might, not shed tears as the worlds were so quietly spoken to the stone. I knew he was no longer here, but I'd carried him with Me anyways.

    Shadows of the past, fade into this night. In your place I welcome the light. Banish all harm, Banish all fear, with these words I make it clear, no long welcome, you must depart from my life, from my home, from my heart, negativity and despair leave Me be. With this chant I set you free.

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    1. Thu Dec 21 18:35 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Thorarin said:
      Very good, Ri. Very good.

    2. Thu Dec 21 16:02 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      honeycake said:
      This is beautiful Mistress, i have passed your words onto my Jarl when I spoke with him.

      Blessed Be

    3. Thu Dec 21 09:52 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Rianna the Llyonesse said:
      I nodded it was time to go and head back to the School House were I had been staying the past couple of nights as we prepared for Solstice... I smiled at the structure, still standing, so proud and tall. I was now too old even think of building such a thing, but I had one last small blessing to leave to it for me.

      Abundance flows, love grows wide, in your grace I joyfully abide! For lessons learned for the gifts received, thank you oh Home, in you I can still believe. with graditude I can see by candle night, help me stay safe and warm upon this cold Solstice night. As the flames are brought home, from our humble Great Hall, let our lights shine to one and to All. For we do not walk alone, and we never will forget, those who came before us and those whom are not Us yet. In your vastness oh Isle in 3 moons sky, My soul takes flight, for you have guided me along the paths I must tread, thank you much more for what is to be seen ahead. Let it be an evening star, who shall guide us near and far. We shall raise a cup to thee and live ever so happily.

    4. Thu Dec 21 09:44 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Rianna the Llyonesse said:
      Leaving the docks and making way to the forge, I left a note here for whom ever was to come.

      You are the forge, You are the flame, inside each heart burns an unquenchable name, strengh and power you should claim by right, rishe lihe the day bold and bright. By this stone, by herb and candle light your spirit should be empowered to reslove it live life right.

      Leaving as I head back to where Magnus was waiting for me, still speaking ever so quietly.

      By My will, and power shall expand in my voice as I have lifted my hands, this Home is our refuge and we are the flame, may our lives live out this year in not near as much pain. Keep watch over us as each night turns to day and keep us together is all I can pray.

    5. Thu Dec 21 09:38 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Rianna the Llyonesse said:
      Coming back to the last of the small villagers and those whom are gathered at the docks, I allow Magnus to help me stand where they are around the fire and I speak with a quiet glow.

      "Light returns on this scared night, bringing home and warmth and light! The sun reborn with each rising ray, brightening ray, and will show us what we need in the forthcoming day. Greetings Solstice, we have honored thee, in this cycle let us be free. From the dark to the light, the tapestery ever turns, in our hearts our fire burns. As I will it so shall I ask it be, ever Home for each of Thee.

    6. Thu Dec 21 09:33 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Rianna the Llyonesse said:
      One final steading to stop at, but not a place to stay, I slipped down from the wagon once again, upon very wobbly legs. The chant this time was the same, but different at the end, for there was still something known about this man.

      What was cat upon me now I release, break this hex, undo this curse, bring me peace from longing thirst. By this candle black as night, look not upon me for only sight. For all those whom are now missing from our Jul, we have come this night to celebrate You. We remember, we can't forget, and our time will be soon enough, live it with no regret. What is it if we win, and what is it we really loose, no one's heart is bold proof. Roots so deep. so I stand strong to the ground where I belong. May you stay grounded firm as I find my power, here we will live in our lonely towers.

      Ground below, and moons above, wrap each one in peace and find within each one love. cenetered here, but connected to the whole, in this moment we are. Blessed Be.

    7. Thu Dec 21 09:25 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Rianna the Llyonesse said:
      Coming back around and pausing at the High Jarl's place, I set out once again walking around the dwelling three times and smiling as I say a small chant for this day,

      god of the fierce and fire of one who burns so bright, let them stay safe until the light of this night. Grant them strength, grant them light, burn away doubts and smother all fear, in your flame let their path be clear. Power of fire in you I trust, transform, ignite, shine as you must, in your blaze you have set me free, as you will it so it shall be.

      nodding as it was finished I headed back to meet Magnus as we headed to the next one and then the next again. Magnus finally spoke and and I looked back to him ever so quietly and nodded, there was not much more to be done. I now just felt empty inside, but soon it would be time to return to the cabin and I hoped we would make it back before the light of the next day.

    8. Thu Dec 21 09:20 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Rianna the Llyonesse said:
      Upon reaching the Salt man's place, I stepped out and nodded as I took up the small pouch of salt that I had ordered especially for this night, and I those old, worn, scared fingers run through it for a moment before I began to make a circle of salt and sand, chanting these words as they came to me and making the new year a time to be set free.

      Circle of salt guard this place, shield them with your gentle grace, elements of earth and fire, creat a shield and protect their hearts desire. Crystal strong and candlelight, protect them until they receive new light. And when the night has been seen through and light comes to shine on them new, by this chat shall you decree, nothing harmful can come to thee. As they will it, so shall it be, and it is asked by the one who still walks free.

    9. Thu Dec 21 09:15 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Rianna the Llyonesse said:
      Walking back to the Wagon, I knew it was time to go. I allowed Magnus to place Me upon the board. I was tired and had grown weary, but there was much left to do before the end of this season in time. As we went to other farms and made stops along the way, I chanted the words to each one that I met that day...

      Abundance grow, abundance flow, while prosperity come to thee, Riches reign no more to wane, in abudance you shall gain and substain. Fortunes door now open wide, let the flow of love, health and wealth never subside. By this chant prosierity I call to bring abudance once and for all.

      Slowly, as we crossed what we could make today and headed back to address those who lived in or near the village, I felt tiny pieces of myself left over this land that I had called Home for so long. We rode along in silence, only occasionally looking out across the snow. I knew that it had been long in coming and it had come to time to let thing go.

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