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  • Thu Dec 21 09:33 CopyLink * - Subject: *
    Rianna the Llyonesse said:
    One final steading to stop at, but not a place to stay, I slipped down from the wagon once again, upon very wobbly legs. The chant this time was the same, but different at the end, for there was still something known about this man.

    What was cat upon me now I release, break this hex, undo this curse, bring me peace from longing thirst. By this candle black as night, look not upon me for only sight. For all those whom are now missing from our Jul, we have come this night to celebrate You. We remember, we can't forget, and our time will be soon enough, live it with no regret. What is it if we win, and what is it we really loose, no one's heart is bold proof. Roots so deep. so I stand strong to the ground where I belong. May you stay grounded firm as I find my power, here we will live in our lonely towers.

    Ground below, and moons above, wrap each one in peace and find within each one love. cenetered here, but connected to the whole, in this moment we are. Blessed Be.

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