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Previous Selection : Fri May 24 08:16:58 2024
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  • Fri May 24 13:45 CopyLink ~ - Subject: *
    vaash said:
    LOL.... Oh, I can just picture this scene!

    Years ago, I shared a beach house with friends. The summer months were bedlam. The worst (or best) depending on your perspective) was July 3th. Holy crap. A flood of people from parts unknown invaded the relatively family-friendly shore and wreaked havoc for the night. Last I heard, police were blocking off all roads into the beach, stopping everyone to check that they were locals or at least had a specific address to which they were heading.

    Eventually, we went our separate ways and I suppose someone else took over the house. It was great while it lasted but #nothankyou to any of that at this point in life.

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