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  • Thu May 23 08:15 CopyLink ~ - Subject: I share a secret to help beat the heat when working outside.
    The_Grey said:
    Now that summer is is at hand I want to share something I was introduced at a Litha pagan gathering in the southeast.
    The use of Peppermint
    some may know this already and other might be going yeah right.Please hear me out. I was introduced this during
    a Solstice gathering in GA. It changed me with how to combat the heat and the effects of the heat. When I tried it I could feel a refresh I wasnt feeling that yucky feeling the heat and humidity brings.

    Now you still need to take proper steps and precautions
    Stay away from caffeine it can dehydrate you. take breaks and know when to stop.

    I simply giving you ways to stop or combat some of effects of the heat. I have tried them and used them.
    the first is using a starburst peppermint that has real peppermint oil in it. Just put on in your mouth and let it melt. It won`t keep you from sweating but you won`t feel so worn out either. I have cut the back yard with a
    push mower about a 1/2 acre. I was soaked but I wasn`t
    like crushed or tired or beat up like you can feel when working in the heat. The mints I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU CAN GET AT WALMART for about 1.50. I use to get them for .99 . I carried them when I was working in retail.
    I still carry them and use them for this and a couple of other things.

    The Second way to use Peppermint
    is use edible peppermint oil.
    This is what I was introduced to at Litha in GA
    If you live or been to the deep south. You know the
    heat and humidity.It was refreshing and felt a lot better.
    Not the mixture is a easy one .Take a 16 ounce bottle of water{UNFLAVORED} a eyedropper. take one drop of the edible peppermint oil drop it into the water .Shake it and try it.
    I have tried using a starburst peppermint in a bottle of water and haven`t had much success. It takes time for the mint to dissolve in the water.

    I have used the methods I wrote about.I do them when I
    have been able to do some work in the yard when I am medically able. I also learn that peppermints can build up a not so great taste if used back to back, it may
    be just me but I want to warn people. I have seen it help me and others and those that gave me the three head
    what the hell and other weird looks come up to me and
    say "hey man I didn`t believe or was skeptical of
    my suggestion but it really works" Mind you I never asked them if they tried it.

    The reason for sharing is simple
    This was shared with me and I wish and want to share it with at least ten people or more because it has help me and I WANT TO HELP & SHARE WITH OTHERS
    side note I am not yelling just showing importance to
    the last statement
    Thanks for reading Good luck beating the heat when outside

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Sat May 25 04:52 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Starr said:
    Pan...You semi-leftie sympathizer!

    GRIN.... Hell, I like you anyway!

  • Sat May 25 04:50 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Panurge said:
    Oh lord, Dear Abby Starr is wearing wet Maga red and dancing delerious in the street! Just wet it; wet it; all you got to do is WET IT!

  • Sat May 25 04:43 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Starr said:
    It also curbs nausea for many...However; It makes ME nauseous though.

    I use a good, old, faded, worn, 100% cotton bandana (Maga RED works best! HA!!!!) Bursting into song, dancing it out a few steps.......COLORS!


    I wet it and fold it and tie it very loosely around my neck when doing work outside in hot weather. I did that when I was working as a carpenter's helper in the HOT TEXAS sun!

    Just keep wetting it as needed.

  • Thu May 23 23:15 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Gioia said:
    Thank you...I will try this, this summer

  • Thu May 23 16:24 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    cory{BI} said:
    That sounds wonderful...thanks for the advice.

    Blessed be!

  • Thu May 23 13:08 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Pepin said:
    Before the pandemic,you could get Bob's Sugar Free Peppermint at Walmart,but I have not seen it for years.

  • Thu May 23 08:30 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    laurelynn {LA} said:
    I use peppermint oil on pulse points when it's hot. I caution to be careful, it can burn too, especially if you have sensitive skin. Mixing it with another oil is safest.

    I use it for pain as well, as a rub. And for headaches.