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  • Fri Jul 05 06:03 CopyLink ~ - Subject: A new era of humor is upon us
    Sweet Transvestite said:
    Congratulations to Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, the new prime roast minister of Great England who won the erection and from the looks of it will be set to rule after a peaceful transfer of power. Not only will this be a political joy for the non-ambidextrous population but it will usher in a whole new era of humor.

    I mean just looking at the name of the character gives me the impression that I’ll be laughing my guts out by the time this post is ended. I hope it ends up as funny as I imagine it. It’s a bit of a long name so let’s get started.

    First, the guy is named Sir, no binary gender swapping here, this guy must be a real man cause he’s got Sir in his name. None of that pansy Missir, or Mastress stuff here, it’s a full fledge Sir.

    Keir, obviously the crown jewel of our soon to be trough for humor, starts it off with the common question…”how do you pronounce his name?” Is it Keir like Care of Keir like Queer or Keir like Curd, the d being silent

    If his name is Keir pronounced like Care it’s going to be hilarious when he goes to Germany for the proper diplomatic relationship. Will the greeting of “Herr Keir” be followed up with a shampoo, conditioner trim and cut.

    Next up is a middle name, and it’s a doozy….Rodney, Rodney sounds like one of those names would be in the top 10 gay names, right under Bruce…

    And finally the lust name…Starmer, and that’s sure to be fun if the guy stutters or stammers.

    Starmer the Charmer is sure to be a hit on the late night talk shows.

    I guess the rest if political so I won’d comment on it.

    Starmer the Charmer...I like that..giggles.

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    1. Sat Jul 06 07:39 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Gioia said:
      I find this result hopeful. And thank you for the smile, this morning.

    2. Fri Jul 05 21:27 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      cynthia leigh said:
      You're killing me! *laughs*

    3. Fri Jul 05 15:27 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Delilah said:
      I'm just glad the tories are out!

    4. Fri Jul 05 12:06 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      cait~ said:
      Congratulations to Sir Starmer.

    5. Fri Jul 05 10:47 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Pepin said:
      God Save the King.

    6. Fri Jul 05 06:24 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      timbre said:
      yes Congrats Sir Keir Rodney Starmer of the Labour party !

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