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  • Tue Jun 04 06:44 CopyLink ~ - Subject: *
    Sweet Transvestite said:
    Some items you might want to consider about plastics and water. They might be lies...

    When you twist the lid of a plastic water bottle you break the seal and some small bit of plastic remains around the lid...until you take a swig and then it goes into your body. The threads of a bottle cap can harbour residues that allow bacteria and mold to grow, thanks for the great tip sEnsuous redhead.

    You can think that every time you use plastics or subject them to physical stress (like a washing machine) a little bit of those plastics will break off and can potentially enter our bodies. Now this is pretty hard to see for most plastics so folks may wonder how we have been able to accumulate on average enough plastic in our bodies for a credit card. There is one area though where it can be readily observed....plastic cutting boards.

    Do you have a plastic cutting board? Does it have scratch marks from all the chopping? Where does the plastic broken off from those cutting boards causing those scratch marks go? Probably into the food you are cutting up on the chopping block.

    The liquids you put in your body are valuable to your life. Don't short change yourself, use glass....not for cutting boards though.

    For those who can't stand the taste of chlorine in tap water, try pouring it into a container and letting it stand for 24-48 hours so that the chlorine can evaporate and get up to room temperature, especially if you are using it to water plants to to keep an aquarium filled.

    There it is just some ideas about plastics. Remember you can buy produces that may have all "natural" ingredients, but that may not be worth much when the packaging is made up of bona fide artificial human made ingredients as opposed to glass, which occurs naturally without the intervention of human beings.


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