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  • Fri May 24 10:16 CopyLink ~ - Subject: &^%$^! 500 Mile Race
    sEnsuous redhead said:
    Have I mentioned less than a million times how much I loathe the 500 Mile Race living here?

    Absolute chaos! Crazy people grilling in the street, popping Bud Lights and screaming "Show me your tits!"

    One year I had family over for a cookout the day before and they loved to sit out in my front yard to watch the madness let out from the track. That was where I used to live less than 6 miles from that track.

    One lady in my family was 80+ years old and loved watching the sunburned, already drunk rednecks still chugging beer in the back of their trucks as the track let out. When traffic crawled to a stop, right in front of my house as we sat out front watching them, one kid maybe 17-18 jumped out of the back of the truck and ran into my yard and right up to my elder friend, grinning "SHOW ME YOUR TITS!"

    She just blinked and grinned and said "Well! I'll swan to John!" (which is the extent to which she swore) Then he cackled and ran back to jump back into his truck.

    One year a dear friend from here from Canada said he wanted to come to the race and would I go with him? Huh? ARGH!

    I talked to my Uncle (Al-cohol) who graciously told me to tell him he could stay with him and he would take him back to my house when it was time to leave for the race.

    Well we got there and had to park what seemed like MILES away and we went to the race. OMG .. it was so loud, so hot, and so overcast .. UGH .. by the time it was over, it started pouring rain. I had the worst headache and we traipsed forever trying to find my car in the pouring rain.

    What you do for your friends, right? Never again. As in NEVER again.

    I have since moved to the farthest west point of my county in Indiana and guess what? I can still hear it!!

    Hell to the NO!

    Just NO!

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Tue May 28 19:43 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    rhee said:
    -cackles in Hoosier-.

    Yeah, I feel the same way.

  • Sun May 26 17:42 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    kp@ns said:
    LOL I understand. We have a festival here that's not nearly that big but extremely annoying as well.

  • Sun May 26 08:22 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    sEnsuous redhead said:
    Well it has been total chaos since before 6 am here this morning! The sea of people is beyond anything someone who hasn't experienced it cannot comprehend.

    The thing is, when I was a kid, my family always took us to the trials before the race. And every race day we had a big cook out for the family while we listened to the race in the back yard on a radio.

    Yes, listened to race. If you live here, it is blacked out and only available by radio. Oh sure, it's broadcasted the next day but who cares the next day? You already know who won! lol sheesh

    I remember as a kid as well, my cousins and I would stay the night with my grandmother who lived 3 houses down from 16th street .. which leads straight down the the front of the track. We would walk down 16th street just to see the people and their excitement. That is until one tragic day when we saw a big cloud of black, grey smoke coming from the vicinity of the track. There was a deadly crash that day and I remember watching how difficult it was for the first responders to get through that crowd. People on the street were wailing and crying and we ran back to my grandmother's house faster than we knew our legs to take us. So sad this memory.

    We had office pools of who would win. My mom's 'hearthrob' was AJ Foyt. It was all about AJ for her. And I remember meeting Parnelli Jones at one of the trials my folks took us to. I saw AJ on TV this morning. All I can say is Bless his heart. .. sigh

    As a young adult I went to Carb Day with a date and two other friends. We packed our own food which included 2 dozen boiled *E* things that I brought. (ugh, no I didn't eat any!) One of the friends was a guy that drank so much beer and ate so many of these eggs .. omg on the way home all of that fermenting 'badness' came out in the back seat in the form of .. "pfffft! .. pffft" .. and the car became a literal gas chamber! LOL .. mercy!

    Well it is what it is. I have very fond memories of this race and really sad and terrifying memories of this race. I just pray everyone is safe today.

    And as a last note, you can't imagine the people that end up in jail today and tonight!

    For those of you who enjoy it, well heck yes, enjoy it!

    I remain stoic and decide 'not' to enjoy it!

  • Sat May 25 19:48 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    DMan said:
    Three big races on Sunday starting with Monaco then Indy last Charlotte.

    I will not bother anyone though from my perch in front of the TV.

    Sorry your experiences have been bad.

  • Sat May 25 19:03 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Mercury said:

  • Sat May 25 07:50 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    peach said:
    When I was a little girl, dad took me to the 500 (as a family) I got to shake hands with Al Unser, Parnelli Jones and A.J. Foyt. Yes it was loud ( and kind of boring for a little girl, but getting to meet the best drivers of the day back then is a very fond memory of me and dad.

  • Sat May 25 00:00 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Gioia said:

  • Fri May 24 19:52 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    timbre said:

  • Fri May 24 17:05 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    krysta said:
    NO THANK YOU! Firetrucks, ambulances, idiots revving their engines, noisy vehicles in general, and now because the weather's nice, motorcycles provide enough noise as it is!

  • Fri May 24 16:55 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    cory{BI} said:
    At our previous location, we had bike races and Iron Man bikes come through...usually early enough in the morning that the yelling and the clanging cowbells cheering the riders would wake us...much too early for drunkenness...and certainly no bare tits...

  • Fri May 24 15:23 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Delilah said:
    I am just SO darn glad I live in a tiny little village in the country. We're off the main drag to anywhere and everything uses the bypass and don't come through the village! Mind you, we also have a 20mph speed limit going through the village too, which probably helps.

  • Fri May 24 13:45 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    vaash said:
    LOL.... Oh, I can just picture this scene!

    Years ago, I shared a beach house with friends. The summer months were bedlam. The worst (or best) depending on your perspective) was July 3th. Holy crap. A flood of people from parts unknown invaded the relatively family-friendly shore and wreaked havoc for the night. Last I heard, police were blocking off all roads into the beach, stopping everyone to check that they were locals or at least had a specific address to which they were heading.

    Eventually, we went our separate ways and I suppose someone else took over the house. It was great while it lasted but #nothankyou to any of that at this point in life.

  • Fri May 24 12:22 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    cait~ said:
    Well we hear the practice rounds ever so often - we live near a military base - but cars racing for hours? I am with you, just no.

  • Fri May 24 11:39 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    SilverBiker said:
    What's wrong with your tits??


  • Fri May 24 10:32 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Pepin said:
    I hear Cincinnati is nice this time of year.