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Previous Selection : Tue May 21 14:50:44 2024
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  • Fri May 24 19:26 CopyLink ~ - Subject: *
    Panurge said:
    Starr: No lover of the land, of amending and refreshing the soil would even consider poultry wire except for penning up CHICKENS that SHIT everywhere unless suitably contained. AND, how do you know what caused Orlando's Alliums to not flower as well this year, huh? Laughing, Breaking free of the headlock, breathing deep voles, moles and things that go bump in the night, bullshit; could of been a soil pathogen, maybe a gopher lives near Orlando, but I know, that I do NOT know what is wrong with his Allium and I do KNOW, that putting a bunch of poultry wire in the ground is a damn mistake!

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