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Previous Selection : Wed May 29 05:49:49 2024
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  • Thu May 30 09:57 CopyLink ~ - Subject: Update
    Miss Cielle {JWolf} said:
    she had a double valve replacement procedure
    and we got a call late yesterday afternoon to say that she did wonderfully!
    at that time she was out of surgery and in the cardiac ICU,
    because she has to be monitored with a breathing tube

    they expect her to be in hospital 7-10 days,
    we are waiting for an update today

    belle de jour{C} - thank you so much!
    and that is amazing!
    hubby's cousin had similar surgery and said the same thing,
    that he has never felt better!

    she also suffers from fibromyalgia and chronic migraines,
    so any extra energy is a blessing

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]