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Previous Selection : Sat May 18 13:18:36 2024
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  • Sat May 18 14:18 CopyLink ~ - Subject: Take home final excerpts
    Gabrieli said:
    I got the take-home part of my final done early, yay me! This part of the final centered around analysis of three different pieces, about 30-60 seconds from each one. I thought some of you might be interested in the pieces.

    1. This aria from Puccini's "Madame Butterfly" .. the first minute of this:

    2. The beginning of the fourth Statement from Anton Weberns Fünf Sätze für Streichquartett

    The part we analyze is from time stamp 7:00 - about 7:30

    3. The last piece is by a 12-tone composer that I'd never heard of until this class. Luigi Dallipiccola..

    We had to analyze the first 40 seconds of this:

    I wish I'd seen that video before now, it outlines all the tone rows and the pitch class sets, which is exactly what we have to do for the final!

    Should I tell my teacher that the answer to 20 points of her take-home final is right there on YouTube? laughing!

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Sat May 18 23:06 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Gioia said:

  • Sat May 18 20:10 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Pachuco Wilson said:
    Interesting stuff. Gracias.

  • Sat May 18 20:06 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Mercury said:
    Everything leads back to Bach….
    The Webern piece is fascinating.

  • Sat May 18 18:20 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Gabrieli said:
    I wrote her an e-mail AFTER I handed in my assignment, in which I swore to her that I did not find that video until after I'd turned it in, but maybe for next year, she should be aware....

  • Sat May 18 17:45 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    cait~ said:
    That last link -wow all those changes. As for your question ... she might take those 20 points away.
    But then she might already know also.