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  • Sat Jul 06 21:26 CopyLink ~ - Subject: *
    CQ said:
    Well, I've learned a few things, thanks to you good people.

    Axolotls are native to Mexico (that much I knew)..native to only three lakes there originally, and now it's down to one. They are a type of salamander. They aren't cannibalistic by nature, but they live on on the bottom of the lake and evolved in such a way -- due to the darkness and mud and such -- that they don't see well and are liable to *mistake* each other for food. But you were right, Anna (Discolored), they are solitary creatures and feel no need for company. It's true they're a bit high-maintenance, but nothing I think wouldn't be doable. It's been fun doing the research.

    Right now I probably don't have the space needed for a tank (they require a large one) but it's something to look forward to.

    Thanks again, y'all.

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