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Previous Selection : Fri Jun 14 06:49:17 2024
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  • Fri Jun 14 09:14 CopyLink ~ - Subject: *
    ~lil shadow slut~ said:
    awww...i won't start about shelters..but yes i think its better to save a pet from a shelter..way too many in shelters needing good homes..but i guess there's always a chance of something..from breeders or shelters..

    Bless you for saving one from a shelter..he's getting a fighting chance..

    I've never heard of that FIP before..but i havent owned a cat in a long willy didn't like cats.

    I'm so sorry to hear this..
    Sending prayers for you and milo that he pulls through this..with a speedy recovery..

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]