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Previous Selection : Fri Jun 7 14:38:49 2024
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  • Fri Jun 07 17:10 CopyLink ~ - Subject: *
    ~lil shadow slut~ said:
    i'm so sorry, it's heart breaking, as someone else said in the other post, i was also one that watched the love between
    You two grow, right in front of all our eyes, almost as though
    you two shared with us, and we all share your pain today.

    A few years back, she came into my mail, and talked me through some dark and hard times i was going through, and through those conversations, i met a beautiful soul..

    i regret not catching up with her, since i returned six or seven months ago,

    she will be missed by soo many here...
    may she rest in peace.

    i pray You're given the strength You need..

    love and huggs...

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]