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  • Mon May 20 16:53 CopyLink ~ - Subject: Fantasy confession
    Just_anna said:
    I came across this little fantasy segment.
    It's very hot and reading it made me realize I have the same fantasy..its not bad, is it?

    Sometimes I imagine getting stalked by someone. It's so romantic - to me. The stalker would keep an eye on me all the time, slowly become so obsessed with me that they'd begin stealing my things. The body gel I use so they can smell like me. My panties that they wrap around their cock and jerk off to. My pillow that they hump.

    Their phone would be filled to the brim with pictures of me. Most of them taken from a distance, other close ups of me sleeping. My tits exposed, my shirt bunched up since I don't wear a bra when sleeping. Sometimes I like to sleep naked, and those times I'd wake up feeling something sticky between my legs, or on my breasts (carefully rubbed all over them).

    It scares me knowing I have a stalker, but it also excites me a bit knowing they're the ones using my body while I sleep. It was obvious after finding 'mine' written all over my ass with a marker. My drawer is filled with those letters and notes, the box of chocolates sitting in there too. Those chocolates tasted sweet, but the white caramel in between them was a bit strange.

    Then one night, when it gets too much for them, they sneak into my house and find me sleeping. With the candy centers contents fogging my head, I'm woken up to the feeling of something hard pressing to my pussy. I'm soaked - it's clear they spent time sucking my clit, toying with my body. Then, after they've fucked me senseless, they use their fingers to stretch out my pussy.

    "You like that, pet?".

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Thu May 23 18:34 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    randie said:

  • Tue May 21 06:38 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    vaash said:
    Fantasies vary but because those here return to the State for something not generally or readily available in their respective r/t, it is a safe assumption that we all have them to differing degrees. A few who inhabit here live(d) out some of their desires or found a compatible reality for them. Taking adventures of the mind have helped to keep me sane over the years. Might not be everyone's cuppa tea but so what... It's not "bad" to my way of thinking. ~smiling~

  • Tue May 21 06:12 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    DMan said:
    I like the end when the questioner poses the question that he already knows the answer to but just wants to get it on the record.

    Keep fantasizing Just-anna. ... smiling

  • Tue May 21 04:21 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Starr said:

    Many people have become so politically correct they can't even enjoy a good 'head fantasy' anymore. But I get it...Yes I do. Because I have very UN-PC fantasies myself, as well. Eyebrow waggle

    I actually fantasize about MANLY MEN looking and behaving like MASCULINE MEN. Yummmm

    NOTE: And I don't need a public service reminder from the 'anal retentive' among us to set me straight on what I'm currently allowed to think about, or be aroused by either.

  • Mon May 20 21:52 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    ~f*cKs with words~ said:
    I'm sure it's a fairly common fantasy.
    The emphasis is on FANTASY.

    Real stalkers wouldn't be fun. soft smile