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  • Tue Jun 25 08:11 CopyLink ~ - Subject: If you ever wanted to visit, now is the time ..
    DALLIANCE**\ ~ said:
    I know I might be the only Robin Hood fan here, but ... The Major Oak in Sherwood forest won’t be alive after this Winter. This first photo is from yesterday and the second is from four years ago to the exact week. Experts have deemed that the root system has all but rotted away and it’s not going to last this year out.

    "Due to its national importance, conservation measures to the tree have been carried out continually since 1908. This world famous oak, at least 1000 years old, weighs an estimated 23 tons, its trunk circumference is 33 feet (10m) and its branches spread to over 92 feet (28m)."

    Is Sherwood Forest even still there?
    The last 200 years have changed Sherwood Forest. It still has quiet places, stunning landscapes, history, wildlife, legend and a sense of belonging, but the great forest and heaths are now just patches in a landscape of industrial heritage.



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    1. Tue Jun 25 22:29 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      cait~ said:
      How sad to hear .. I agree with Delilah, maybe one of its progeny will be planted near its place.

    2. Tue Jun 25 16:31 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      krysta said:

    3. Tue Jun 25 15:17 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Delilah said:
      I believe quite a lot of saplings have been taken from the tree's acorns. Maybe if this special one really does die, one of its progeny will be planted near its place.

    4. Tue Jun 25 13:14 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      cory{BI} said:

    5. Tue Jun 25 12:50 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Panurge said:
      I think a LOT of people like Robin Hood, Little John, and the idea of taking from a corrupt rich and giving to a virtuous poor; A hot damsel helps too, and being a GREAT shot with a bow; Yeah, shame about the tree, but the STORIES live, heck, Howard Pyle, Errol Flynn!

    6. Tue Jun 25 12:22 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      vaash said:
      Places like Sherwood Forest aren't just medieval folklore. Losing this tree makes me profoundly sad.

    7. Tue Jun 25 11:07 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Dizzy Guy said:
      Wish I could go

      saddened by the news

    8. Tue Jun 25 09:46 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      CQ said:
      I love the English legends. The legend of Robin Hood is one I really want to be real. I would love to see the tree before its demise.

    9. Tue Jun 25 08:37 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Pepin said:
      I'm a Robin Hood fan,liking to root for the underdog.

      Thanks for the post.

      I hope there are plans to germinate acorns from it to start a new oak tree where the old one was.

    10. Tue Jun 25 08:18 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      The_Grey said:
      your fine DALLIANCE**\ ~
      its all good .
      It is a real shame that tree come to a end .
      then again time and age gets us all =

    11. Tue Jun 25 08:15 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Mercury said:
      Even watching plants and trees head to their demise is difficult.

    12. Tue Jun 25 08:13 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      DALLIANCE**\ ~ said:
      I'm sorry the font code for this name makes that funky line spacing in the top level.
      I really mostly only anymore play Yahtzee where the line spacing doesn't matter.

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