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Previous Selection : Thu Jul 12 00:01:47 2001
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  • Thu Jul 12 02:01 CopyLink * - Subject: Anyone who used to go to The Kirk
    The Kirk Mushroom said:
    Was told this might be a place to get in touch with people - looking for regulars from Friday nights during 1979 to 1986 in particular, but anytime before its refurbishment really.
    Trying to put together a website of memorabilia for this club which was one of the best kept secrets in the North being as some of the greatest musicians in the world have played there!
    email me at
    or visit the site at

    if you were a regular or know of anyone who was, please get in touch


    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Wed Aug 15 13:42 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Poe©tess said:

    pre-dates me..