Previous Search for 'Z1 CorkBoard'

Previous Selection : Tue May 26 18:06:30 1998
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  • Tue May 26 19:06 CopyLink ~ - Subject: Adopted? (correction)
    Misty said:
    A friend of mine was adopted and he is searching for his birth parents. here is his homepage address I AM ADOPTED please read!
    He has submitted it to the powwow top ten in hopes that it will get some more hits and maybe someone may know something.... This is where the voting is PowWow voting page

    Please go and check out his page, pass it on to your friends and please remember to vote for it.... you can vote 3 times each week for the next 3 weeks. The closer to the top he is the more curious passersby will go and check his page. Thank you for your help and support. It will only take one person to remember something......

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]