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  • Mon Dec 07 18:51 CopyLink * - Subject: Classy Educated Experienced Master seeks femsub!!
    Master Steve111 said:
    I am a classy, very well educated Single White Male Dom with extensive (15 years) experience in the D/s lifestyle. I am a 6' 3" 214 lbs gentleman. I am in
    excellent shape. I have my Doctorate and am a professional in private practice. I am NOT married and have no children. I am an honest and sincere homeowner in Indianapolis. I am very Dominant and controlling,
    yet kind, compassionate and possess a great sense of humor. I am patient. I am Extremely safe! I am well versed in the psycho-sexual dynamics of this lifestyle and fully understand and appreciate what a female sub
    needs and requires. I am seeking a biological female sub 25 to 42 who is NOT overweight for a monogamous 24/7 permanent relationship. You must be submissive to me and seeking a Dominant, controlling, educated,
    experienced, patient and understanding Master. You will be Dominated with Class, but you WILL be Dominated!

    If interested, please contact Master Steve at

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Sat Jan 09 12:10 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    LMAO said:
    Kitty Litter,Infamous paparazzi ... my kitty litter is full of shit, how about yours? At least I can change mine.

    Sat Jan 09 10:40 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)

    Kitty Litter,Ifamous paparazzi said:

    Strange... the following post just appeared on the z2cork: [see #r-z2cork post < Sat Jan 09 05:56 ~ Master Steve111 writes " Master Steve111 makes this startling announcement! Step back jack!" >]
    and you followup post (deleted) with the subject line < "Sat Jan 09 10:58 ~ Kitty Litter,Infamous paparazzi writes "How stupid do you think W/we are? A Special wedding report." "> which answers its own question...

  • Sat Jan 09 10:40 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Kitty Litter,Ifamous paparazzi said:
    Strange... the following post just appeared on the z2cork:

    So what is love? Five feet of heaven in a ponytail?

    Well, however you elect to describe this rather elusive and irrational emotional blessing, Cloud Nine and I have it. So
    what to do with it? Well that's an easy one: Marry it! Hee Hee! So that's precisely what we intend to do. Cloud Nine and
    I are now officially engaged. I haven't even left her "Secret Desert Hide-out" yet! However, we are leaving together
    next Weds for Indy for a couple days. I need to be in Indy so I can sign the agreement with the real estate broker to sell
    my house complete with that fully-equipped dungeon. (Oh baby the broker's gonna love that dungeon! Wonder if that
    will increase or decrease its value. :-))

    What engagement ring? Ohhhh, that one! Yeah, I ordered it and it should be at the Indy jeweler's on Thurs of next
    week and that is when I intend to place it on her finger. Two carat solitare to be exact. Yes it IS real! When you're
    about to marry the best, ya don't skimp!

    Already met Cloud Nine's parents. Lovely people. They flew in from California to meet me. Needless to say, they fell
    in love with me at first glance. Who wouldn't?

    No exact wedding date has been set yet, but it won't be long I'm sure. When you find the best, ya seize the moment!

    To all the other potential Dom Masters I send my heart-felt sympathies. Sorry boys, but Cloud Nine is now officially
    spoken for!

    To all the other kind and wonderful femsubs here, I wish you the best in finding a suitable available Dom Master. I am
    obviously no longer available and never will be again!

    To any and all of my detractors who could never see thru all of Master Steve111's "smoke and mirrors," you have
    my abject sympathies. To the nuts who questioned my education, my Doctorate, and my 15+ years of experience, I
    suggest you enroll in my new course next week entitled "Perception--how to get it and how to use it!"

    Needless to say, I chose the gorgeous, understanding, insightful, charming, intelligent and ever-trusting Cloud Nine
    because she believed in me when other less-than-perceptive ones did not. Simple choice, really. I found the best. No
    cheap substitutes for me, man! She had never submitted to a Master before. No surprise of course that she gave *me*
    her gift of submission!

    To seph and the other fine folks here at SOI, my heartfelt expressions of gratitude for providing this public forum,
    without which I may never have found true love. Thank you.

    And oh yeah.....thanks to Cloud Nine, Snoopy is working splendidly, thank you! Yeah. Maybe we'll name the first child
    "SOI Jr."