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Previous Selection : Thu Sep 3 12:10:21 1998
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  • Thu Sep 03 13:10 CopyLink ~ - Subject: A New Room for Christian Married R/T D/s C/couples: #r-chrisds . A coffee-shop setting for R/T serious and sincere discu
    Curious One said:
    A New Room for Christian Married R/T D/s C/couples: #r-chrisds . A coffee-shop setting for R/T serious and sincere discussion by T/those W/who might be
    Christian who in R/T also may practice D/s within the confines of Marraige, with T/their
    S/spouse Only and in the privacy of T/their own bedroom etc...That believe that the Bible
    clearly states that a Man is to have Authority over His wife, she is to obey Him, call Him Lord,
    etc...and that Male Dominance/female submission is in fact the natural order of things. Room
    Rules: 1) ABSOLUTLY NO CYBER_SEX! R/T Chat and sincere discussion ONLY Please! 2)
    Not intended for T/those who may engage in homosexuality,bi-sexuality,
    bestiality,swinging,swapping,multiple partners, incest,fornacation, adultry,public nudity,public
    sex,clubs Fem Dommes/male subs etc... 3) For Monagamous Married Male Dom/fem sub
    C/couples only. or for Singles desiring a Christian Monagamous Marraige who also happen to
    desire a bit of D/s as well again in the privacy of T/their own bedroom once married, to perhaps
    meet a like-minded M/mate. Also to hopefully form sincere F/friendships and chat.Weekly discussions Thur.evenings at 8:00pm EST. Also a New Cork for Christian S/singles to perhaps meet a like-minded S/spouse: #r-cdscork.

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]