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Previous Selection : Sat Sep 22 21:18:47 2001
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  • Sun Sep 23 00:18 CopyLink * - Subject: *
    Contemplation said:
    I've seen so many things
    throughout life and time
    so many sad sad things
    that make me fear for humankind
    there is a hate for fellow brothers
    a fear of what isn't understood
    why do we fear things that are so close to us?
    how can we hope to cope as a whole when we are a cancer eating ourselves apart?
    ignorance is festering like a disease beneath the surface
    it travels through the system and pops up where it is least expected time and time again
    i do not hate my brothers
    I do not love those that look up to me
    i do not hate those that are different than me
    I hold high those that have come before me that gave up EVERYTHING to break the boundaries of ignorance to the ground
    I feel a great pang of loss
    like that of a loved one gone
    i've felt it for years but have just started to realize it is the loss of idealism that I had as a child for our society. it used to be like a blanket that would keep me warm and protected and protect me from monsters should be scared. I realize now it is more like a web that will try to keep me down and bind me back. And while much of society and the general public my not fit into this category, it seems to me the majority does, the majority is ignorant, too scared to learn the truths for fear that they will be caught with their pants down, so they just turn a blind eye and keep walking without they jeans. Well damn it people it is time to pull up you pants and take a look around. We are a world split by skin tones, speach, and differing believes of something none of us could possibly know about (religion). One day somebody broke from the tribe and went someplace where they got a better tan, a darker complection. One left to the shadows and snows and got lighter. Speaches changed as tribes grew on their own. And why argue to the point of wars over the afterlife, when you won't find out til you get there anyway? We are the same. We are brothers. We are sisters. We are the parents of those shining beacons of hope, our children. We should fight to give them something, not take it away. How can we tell them about morals things that should be done in life, when we can't see past ourself?
    It is time to stand my brothers, my sisters, my cousins and my children. It is time to come together and bring about our potential. It is time to see for ourselves instead of through the eyes of those that are long dead and gone. The world has changed, the world will change, it is time we adapt as a whole and embrace ourselves.

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]