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Previous Selection : Mon Jul 27 12:14:13 1998
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  • Mon Jul 27 13:14 CopyLink ~ - Subject: Possible Dates and/or Place
    ChicagoPartier said:
    hey i've been checking prices/hotels etc for the end of october possibly for chicago. the
    24-26 .. the HOLIDAY INN MIDWAY AIRPORT seems to have a lot of rooms
    available for that weekend.. prices range from about 84-90$ it looks like. MSG me or
    leave a note on the cork if this seems appropriate for you :) You can veiw the details at
    Here :)

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Mon Jul 27 13:27 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    ChicagoPartier said:
    Ok the hotels giving me a bit of trouble now *L* Lemme get back to you. The date looks like it will still be a go, Let me recheck on prices and the rooms again.