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Previous Selection : Thu May 21 22:27:30 1998
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  • Thu May 21 23:27 CopyLink ~ - Subject: ok ladies, i need your help
    Chasing Amy said:
    i need some help. i'm looking for what your reactions would be to the following

    1. you are sitting on the sidewalk, shivering slightly in the wind and a strange guy comes up from
    behind, places his jacket around you, and sits down next to you.

    2. you are riding a bus. someone slips you a piece of paper with his name and number, and then gets
    off the bus.

    3. you are a waitress in a restraunt. when you collect the tip from one the table where a guy was
    sitting, you find your tip (pretty big tip too) along with a name and a phone number

    keep in mind in all of the situations the guy is fairly average looking, sort of shy, and also that you
    show no prominant signs of being involved (ie: no ring)

    any help is greatly appriciated. thanks in advance

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Sat May 30 15:46 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Duke of E. said:
    How sad that chivalry has come to this end, mistrust and fear of our fellow man..sad, but so true..a lady must be very cautious..

  • Sun May 24 18:20 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Trixibell said:
    *Nodding at Citrana* I would have to agree there. Talk to him the next few times. Beyond that ... you will have to use your judgement. I'm sure you're a good judge of character.

  • Fri May 22 12:50 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Citrana said:
    1) I'd be uncomfortable, because he'd be invading my personal space.

    2) Does he ride the bus frequently, like a commuter, and I see him daily? I'd be more likely to talk to him next time I saw him if so. I wouldn't phone him. If he was a stranger, I didn't recognize him, I wouldn't phone.

    3) I'd be more likely to talk to him again next time he came in if the tip weren't a big tip, just average. A big tip smacks of "hey, I'll pay you to get together with me." I still wouldn't phone him.

  • Fri May 22 08:36 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Chasing Amy said:

    Trixibell: ok, what if after the guy on the bus gave you his number you saw him a few more times, and each time he smiled at you? same question with the restraunt. and for the other, what if the guy just offered his coat? (it isn't a bad neighborhood)

  • Fri May 22 02:50 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Trixibell said:
    Hmmmm ... toughies. Sadly, it's too risky to trust these days (Gawd, that makes me sound old !). I don't think I would respond in any of those situations. I would figure that if the guy genuinely liked me enough he would try again and maybe I would get the chance to know him better.

    Tricky. Very tricky !