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Previous Selection : Fri Feb 13 17:51:16 1998
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  • Fri Feb 13 18:51 CopyLink * - Subject: *
    beemoss said:
    Hi hon. Despite what I posted about later being better, I'm here nodding off at my keyboard. I really think I should go get some sleep. Unfortunately, that means missing out on talking to you, probably only by a few minutes, and maybe for the only time this weekend. I am sorry, hon. I want to stay up, but I can't keep my eyes open. Will you leave me a post with some idea as to your schedule for tomorrow? Maybe I can find you before I leave town. Failing that, I guess it'll be Sunday night... *sigh* I am really sorry hon. Please believe that I would stick around longer if I wasn't completely exhausted. Been a long, hard week. I love you, and I'm sorry we didn't have much time today. Really sorry. :( I hope you have a good weekend, although I hope we can link up tomorrow maybe... *kiss* Please be strong for us. I'm trying to. *hugs*

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  • Fri Feb 13 19:47 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    beemoss said:
    I looked forward to chatting tonight but guess it's not to be. Thought you'd take a nap. Tomorrow is busy from 9 until at least 4. Had this feeling come over me after I left you today of definite foreboding. Guess this tops it. Whatever... happy valentines... spend it well.