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Previous Selection : Wed Jan 28 11:29:10 1998
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  • Wed Jan 28 11:29 CopyLink * - Subject: *
    whazZA said:
    Hey you :) Sorry again about last night. I can be moody sometimes, I know. It gets exacerbated when I'm tired and frustrated by schedules that never quite mesh. Like I said, please don't take it personally. I still like to talk to you when I'm like that, even if I don't actually talk much -- just listening to (reading about) your day, etc... Anyway, tonite, 7-ish, and I'll try hard to be in better humour. :) I love you. Thank you for understanding. *kiss*

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    [End of Transfer]

  • Wed Jan 28 13:48 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    whazza said:
    hi yourself. I decided not to stay late at work 'cause I'm tired and worked very hard today. I'll be lurking about and hope to get to bed btw 9 and 10 tonight! Love you and talk to you soon *kiss*