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Previous Selection : Thu Mar 19 22:09:26 1998
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  • Thu Mar 19 22:09 CopyLink ~ - Subject: MONDAY 23 MARCH - NASTY FREE DAY
    Trixibell said:
    OK, I decree next Monday (23 March 1998) a NASTY FREE DAY !!! We shall all be nice to each other. There will be no flaming. There will be no name calling or hienie biting. All feuds will cease for 24 hours. Any rudeness or ickyness will be treated with shock and abhorrence.

    YOU BONEHEADS GOT THAT ??? Sorry, I had to get a "nasty" in before the deadline !

    Pass the word around. Monday is funday. *lots of silly grins and squeezey hugs for everyone*

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]