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Previous Selection : Mon Feb 16 17:38:09 1998
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  • Mon Feb 16 17:38 CopyLink ~ - Subject: *sigh*
    Trixibell said:
    I thought this was a corkboard for stories, jokes, problems etc etc. *sigh* OK Whazza, Minky, Beemoss et al ... you win. So now it's a message bank. Oh well.

    Hey ... no one in particular. I'm nowhere. I'll be in no particular room in any given time. I'll meet you nowhere and say nothing. Hee hee hee. *scampers away*

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Sat Jul 04 17:10 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Visitor said:
    trixibel..take it easy on us new ones

  • Sat Jul 04 17:09 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Visitor said:
    et al.........lighten up

  • Tue Feb 17 18:55 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Trixibell said:
    Pssst ... it was supposed to be a joke. I was being silly. Didn't mean to offend. Sorry !

  • Tue Feb 17 11:55 * - Subject: we win? - 0 reaction(s)
    et al. said:
    What do you mean we win? Was this some sort of contest? I have looked around this place, and found no guidelines whatsoever for what should and should not be posted here. Maybe you can direct me to the proper URL. I thought it was for people to leave messages of any sort for other people. I fully realize and accept that private messages I leave here are routinely read by others. That's fine. But I fail to see why others feel the need to comment on them or demand to know the identity of people posting. If the private messages I leave here bother you, then I guess I can find another cork board somewhere else on the net. But answer me this -- if everyone was to stop posting private messages here, and you were left with the same barely-used board you had before, would that somehow be more fun? Are my postings crowding out other subs that are more legitimate in your eyes? You know the answer. It's NO. Take away those of us who use this board for private messages and you have left a handful of postings that are popping up regardless. How can my use of this board, for whatever reason, take away from your enjoyment of it, when the other posts are still there anyway? I'm terribly sorry for spoiling your fun, but I didn't realize my personal messages here were such a burden on others. Live and let live, for God's sake.