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Previous Selection : Wed Feb 18 12:02:44 1998
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  • Wed Feb 18 12:02 CopyLink ~ - Subject: beemos minky Trixibell et al
    Redhed said:'re right..and wrong, I guess.... I'm sure all remember some of my postings however they were mostly done tongue in cheek, to share with my friends so they could have a laugh. I dunno *sigh* maybe I'm a little more mature, thinking that the kind of messages that have been displayed by them would be best suited to posting in private...I guess it all depends on your perspective...For those that would jump my sh*t and decry freedom to post, fine *shrug* but IMHO this cork, first set up by JAFC and then subsequently Dee, was meant as a message place for the regular users of Z1 when it was in it's leave happy thoughts, jokes, to share in exciting news or to seek support, and to that end, being a privately-owned board, set forth out of their good will, I believe that minky beemoss et al should respect that. You did not deserve a flame over your post, relax. *giggling* try again! *LMAO* and clean up that damn camel's mess will ya?
    ........and for 'et al' who responded?*tossing you a chill-pill*...your response to Trixibell's post was uncalled for. She meant no harm..she is one of soi's most friendly, outgoing people, and if you're chat regulars you'd know that. Of course, I forgot *slapping my head* you don't 'chat', merely use the cork like you owned it and get all pissy when someone else comments on your personal affairs. Listen. I'll tell you what...if public response on a corkbaord bothers you that much, I'll happily volunteer you a private room. I'm rarely here any more and I have a place to spare, if you care to message me.

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Wed Feb 18 18:18 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Trixibell said:
    *Overwhelmed* Wow, thanks for the support Redhed. You're still the BEST !!! I wasn't upset by the response. Everyone has the right to their opinion. But I need a new pair of glasses after reading it all !!! Hee hee hee.