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Previous Selection : Wed Dec 20 19:52:32 2006
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  • Wed Dec 20 21:52 CopyLink ~ - Subject: A message for my Master
    alika{Amatus} said:
    for You, my Master

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Wed Dec 20 22:23 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Amatus said:
    Reading this and tacking up a writing recently completed...

    I have seen the face of beauty, and she is Mine
    her every feature etched in my memory
    vividly clear like the heavens on a cold winter night
    her brows knitted in concern, arched in silent question
    quirked in playful disbelief, and always in delicate elegance
    cheeks soft and smooth laid against mine
    pressed to the palm of my hands which frame
    lashes which flutter down to dust those cheeks
    her chin held high in pride, yet not haughty
    cupped by fingers to lift when in doubt
    lobes tender and beckoning to my lips

    the curve of ear with hair tucked behind the shell
    fingers stretched to brush silken tendrils
    cool soft tresses stroked and combed
    thick mane wadded by a fist as it weaves and holds fast
    lips curled upwards in a bow of a smile
    quivering when sad, nibbled when scared
    trembling with ecstacy at the moment of rapture
    lush and full, moist and offered as an oasis
    brushed, pressed, captured, taken, and crushed
    eyes of the most richest color and of utmost warmth
    brimmed with tears of sadness, shimmering with those of joy
    shining with adoration, and glistening with love
    windows to her soul, mirrors for my own
    cherished orbs, treasured pools where I could lose myself for all time
    that whole face beaming, a beacon in the night

    I open my own eyes, there in the darkness
    my hand outstretched into the black void
    fingers curl to grasp at a fleeting image
    then close upon themselves, empty once more
    sinking to my bed as the moment is passed
    a single tear spills and rolls down my cheek
    I have laid with arms laden, but my heart still wanting
    but here my arms are empty, and yet my heart is abundant
    yearning for that day when both are full
    when all is joined and we both are complete
    Yes, I have seen the face of beauty, and she is Mine
    I have never seen that face, although I know its every line

    I love you, My beloved pet. Beyond words and without end.