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Previous Selection : Wed Sep 1 14:33:51 1999
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  • Wed Sep 01 16:33 CopyLink ~ - Subject: an Observation and an invitation...
    Poe©tess said:
    Maybe I just didn't phrase my searches right… maybe I' m using the wrong search engine… or maybe what I found is just the way it really is….

    I read and loved a post on #r-z2cork@soi by The Man Who Loves Women and I remember long ago in another place someone making a post about things that were lovable about men, or something to that effect …I wanted to post it, so I went searching the net for that kind of information. An hour later I'm disappointed by what I could find… and saddened at what I couldn't. Mostly in the name of "humor"… I found very little that was nice said about men… some of it downright nasty.

    I for one am from a family full of men I adore.. and surrounded by other men who have come into my life and heart, enriching and filling them in ways I' d never trade… and I' d want to collect the eyes of anyone who'd say some of the things I've read today about these dear ones…

    Sooo… I've decided what I need to do, is tip the scales and is use my considerable site building talents to make a place dedicated to the men I call family, friends and lovers…. I imagine this will be an ongoing project its expanding even as I talk about it to others here at work… so if any are interested I've created a cork #r-4lovdmen where I' d greatly appreciate contributions I can place on the site….

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]