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Previous Selection : Wed Feb 25 08:31:38 1998
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  • Wed Feb 25 08:31 CopyLink ~ - Subject: more bad poetry
    Pendragon's Equal said:
    a whispering of a lost voice
    echoed in the clear dark night
    the haunting of a tormented soul
    driven apart by desire and burdened with reality
    you asked me to be your princess
    deep with in the rocky facade of your castle
    away from prying eyes
    flesh and mind together
    tumbling lust and soaring wills
    and so to the task I became
    but Dark were our desires
    hidden in the folds of light
    bending with the stormy emotions
    that drove our love and our lust
    in a clarity of moment you looked upon your secret princess
    and saw the demon you had created
    hidden behind these stony walls
    and whilst Your princess wept
    and tried to understand
    you turned away

    to look upon the light
    to find the princess you dreamed of

    Did he turn back?
    I'll know the answer soon...

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]