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  • Thu Feb 19 14:41 CopyLink * - Subject: Redhead, Chitty-Chat et al.
    One Who Enjoyed This Cork said:
    yes, you've never seen my handle because i'm a lurker so no, i'm not hiding behind an anonymous handle. chitty-chat was misunderstood for her tongue in cheek post and now it's starting something ugly i guess. redhead, i guess i'm one that disagrees with you. if jafc and dee wanted to make this a members of z1 only corkboard then it shouldn't be publicly accessible. i'm not trying to pick a fight with you or anyone else but those posts you refer to don't hurt anyone in any manner so why is everyone suddenly making such a big deal out of it? they seem to be two people who need a place to relay messages to each other and why can't they do it here or anywhere else? it's too bad they've been run out of here. oh well, guess you all got your wish.

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Thu Feb 19 19:49 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Puck the Malkavian said:
    *pondering* I personally get sort of frustrated with all of the simple little posts...

    I think that it is because I really enjoy cruising the corks - ofttimes more than I enjoy chatting. The corks are really good places to find profound thoughts and strong opinions. I generally (without any basis whatsoever) think of the corks as semi-hallowed places where "big" things are discussed, or jokes are told, or whatever. "Public" is the word I'm looking for, I think. I used to really get chafed when I scoured the corks, message after message, and found nothing that had anything to offer the general readers. I just did not care to read messages that are targeted at only one or a few readers. I started learning how to separate the posts that I liked and just didn't care about.

    I stopped reading anything that didn't have a subject heading, unless it was posted by someone whose handle caught my eye. As I said, I like posts that are aimed at the public, aka no one in particular (no those aren't handles *LOL*). If somebody wants to use it for more private conversations, it makes no difference to me... I just skim by them. I hate the thought of missing a good post that has no subject, but I just got tired of waiting for posts and then getting a post that had nothing to offer me whatsoever.

    Sorry if a thought like mine spooked some people away from da place. Even a thought in jest. Although this cork rarely holds much of interest to me anymore, I do like the idea that it is thriving... let the loyal users come on back - nobody was ticked off at 'em. It is mind-boggling how little itsy-bitsy things get so out of hand here... but then that it the way of this world. *grin*

    did that make any sense?

  • Thu Feb 19 17:58 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Trixibell said:
    I didn't want anyone run off the cork ! That was never my intention. It was just a harmless joke and I hope they come back some day soon. *grin* Post your messages all you like guys. I won't say any more about it.

    Redhed ... I'll stand and fight for you ANY DAY girl !

  • Thu Feb 19 16:26 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Redhed said:
    guess you mis-read my posts. I disagree over the way in which they..or one of them...ranted at Trixibell..I also offered them a private room.
    If someone jumped all over me for an innocuous post I'd sure hope that one of my friends has the brass to stand beside me and help me out...
    Yes this is a public cork and as such we're all entitled to our opinions...yours, mine and whomever else choses to post..but I will not stand idly by and not defend a friend...crossing my arms.. and I will never back down when it comes to something like that. 'nuff said.

  • Thu Feb 19 15:33 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    articwolf said:
    z1 was thrown down its people spread across the earth (or SOI) but we exist still and any revivial of the cork and of the room would be welcome...