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Previous Selection : Thu Apr 30 15:28:45 1998
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  • Thu Apr 30 17:28 CopyLink ~ - Subject: The "Predicted" Top Ten Most Ironic Celebrity Deaths
    J said:
    10) Ellen DeGeneres - Suffocates in the closet
    9) Susan Lucci - Trips and breaks her neck while running up steps to accept an Emmy
    8) Jenny McCarthy - Struck by a random thought
    7) Frank Sinatra - Killed by "Strangers in the Night"
    6) RuPaul - Prostate cancer
    5) O.J. Simpson - Murdered by the "real killer" in an apparent suicide
    4) Madonna - Exposure
    3) Unabomber - Mail bomb returned due to "insufficient postage"
    2) Al Gore - Dutch Elm Disease

    and the "Predicted" Number One Most Ironic Celebrity Death

    1) Bill Gates - Falls out of a Window

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Fri May 01 16:47 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    J(m) said:
    Okay, I got all except #2. Please enlighten me. I know it probably went right overhead..DUH!