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Previous Selection : Thu Jul 9 12:16:58 1998
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  • Thu Jul 09 13:16 CopyLink ~ - Subject: Free Shares
    Bob~ said:
    I received info on a new company - Travelzoo. They are a company competing with Yahoo! Travel and Travelocity. Visit their website at http:/ . Look in the upper right corner of the first page and go to "Do you want to become a co-owner?" Click on it and follow through the next few pages. Just go ahead and register, and if you're quick, you'll receive 3 free shares of stock. After you have registered, in the reference portion, please refer myself ( as having told you about this. Hurry, they're only giving away 700,000 shares.

    Thanks and good luck...

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]