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  • Tue Apr 28 00:38 CopyLink * - Subject: chpt 2
    anysomeone said:
    Hi...before I begin...I would really want to know everyone who reads my stuff...I'm trying to be open..and share some of my emotional writing with you.....all I that if you read it..and like it....acknowledge it.....even if you use an anon least I will know more then 9 people read it...*S*

    Your arms slide around me..your head resides on my chest....still heaving slightly from our passion...
    I can feel you smile...your lips curve against my flesh.....and closing my eyes...I feel that I've found heaven on this earth..and it's in your arms.

    I can feel your tongue......softly flicking my nipple......your hand...running down my chest.......lightly down my my thighs.....

    Your touch so light...erotic.....I can feel my erection growing...but ever so the achievement of the erection is part of the erotica....

    your soft hands...grasping my manhood.....gently head drifts back in much that I barely notice that your head moves off my your hand still continues to stroke my penis...

    then I feel's almost a shock to my system....a stream of electric current flies through my body......your lips have surrounded my cock head.......your tongue running around the head as your hand continues to pump.......

    several minutes pass....I'm almost unable to enjoyment of your abilities..almost paralyzing me....

    your mouth releases my cock.......a soft popping sound made from the breaking of your suculent seal......I can't eyes you hover above me.........

    Your eyes are wide open.......they move down my if you were studying if you though that any moment it would dissappear.......I move to touch you....but your hand rests upon my chest.......
    pushing me back upon the bed.

    You grab the candle that had been burning dimly on the nightstand....liquidfied wax surrounds the wick..almost extinguishing the flame......

    handing me the candle...I can see what you's you lay upon your back.......pinching your nipples.......back arched towards the sky......I slowly let a drop drip hitting your nipple......your body shuddering in the mixture of erotic pain and pleasure.......before the wax has a chance to tongue flicks it off...and moistens the warm area where the wax had fallen....raising up and repeating the process on your other nipple....I could swear i heard you moan....

    putting the candle on the table again....pushing your breasts together...running my tongue over your nipples.......sliding it between your breasts..feeling your warm mounds surrounding my wet appendage.....
    softly kissing the top of your chest.....your lower neck....moving up......taking your earlobe...softly sucking on it as I whisper follow me......

    getting up.......moving towards the bathroom......looking over my shoulder to still see you spread upon the bed....smiling...knowing you will follow...

    the water is running into the large jacuzzi........slowly filling...steam rising...........
    I and standing beside it......reaching into the water..testing it's temperature......not even hearing you as you enter......but feeling you run your hand up the back of my thigh...softly squeezing my ass....

    you sit on the side of the tub...your legs in the water........pussy flush against the cold edge of the tub...your flesh is covered with goosebumps....your eyes asking to be warmed up...

    climbing into the tub.........on all fours........cupping some of the warm water.........and bringing it up to your breasts..letting it fall...watching as it cascades down between your breasts......down your tummy.........straight over your slit

    I bring another handfull up....repeating the procedure...but this the water begins to run over your tongue is there to meet it.......running up your lips as the water goes down......tickling my tongue as I beging to bathe your pussy in my saliva

    flickering my tongue against your lean back..exposing more of your moist pussy to my fingers now sliding in your vagina...finger fucking you as my tongue lashes your clit.......puckering my lips against it....and humming softly...........vibrating against your clit....

    the water rising..........covering my legs entirely......I reach back....and grab the shower head..........turning the running water on to the shower head position.....the water streaming a steady blast.............moving it over to's water pulsating on your tits...........the water sliding down your body..coating you in a layer of moisture...

    lowering it down to your pussy...letting it take over the stimulation of your fingers still burried deep in your mouth moving over your breasts.....sucking gently......biting softly..pulling on your nipples.

    Your ass moving more towards the edge of the tub......water rising..........waves moving up and down as your body rocks in rythm to my fingers and the shower head.......

    reaching back...turning off the water...bringing you into the water with me...........face to face.....
    my cock laying at the enterance of your pussy.........pushing against your outter lips.......probing you......until it slips in.........

    I push the button on the side of the tub..and the jets begin to swirl the water around......tiny bubbles popping against your breasts at the top of the water...
    swirls of water running against your clit as my cock slides in and out of you..

    water splashing......hitting the floor.....waves rising...thoroughly engrossed in passion....your orgasm builds like the swells of the waves we are creating..............slowly.......and efficiently...building...............faster....faster...... crashes............your orgasm explodes over me.............

    biting my lip as my own explosion balls ache for a moment...before drenching your inner lips with cum.....

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]