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  • Sat Apr 25 19:46 CopyLink * - Subject: *
    anysomeone said:
    Walking through the door, I can smell her fills the air...soft and gentle, yet overpowering me.
    I search the dark room, lit only by the light of the fireplace...tracing every inch of the darkness in search of the power that is effortlessly drawing me.
    I step forward.....A small shimer of reflected light catches my I turn towards that reflection...there before me is the goddess that I knew I would find. Attractive beyond measurements and features...her eyes shoot through me....diving deep into my soul...and down into my loins.
    I am drawn to her....her clothes barely touching her body........almost to the point of being draped over her form...

    There are no words...I gently begin to remove her clothes......falling effortlessly to the floor....she allows me to do so....I believe she is actually willing me to do her will has overtaken my own...our lips's electric...I feel her pulsating through every fiber of my erection pushing firmly against my it would explode if I did not free it...

    As those thoughts go through my head..I feel her hand reach for my zipper...slowly unzipping my pants....releasing my manhood...gently caressing it's firmness.

    My eyes move down her body.....enraptured by her charms....overcome by desire...ignited from within.

    I lead her to the bed...though I seem to be in heart tells me I'm not...
    Spreading her legs..her soft flesh bends to my will....slowly licking her from her knee...down her thigh........gently running the tip of my tongue over her slit.....blowing gently..letting her musky scent fill my lungs....Extending the tip of my tongue....and sliding it slowly between her lips....til it touches her clit.....small circles around her clit......touching just the sensative flesh around it....til I feel her hips rocking.......with every feverish lap of my tongue........then as her movements become more pronounced...I lick her clit with full force......lapping at it as a dog would lap at his water bowl.....almost slurping up her juice as it runs down my chin...

    I feel her eyes staring at me as I do full of eyes elevate and meet tongue still in her pussy...but eyes were behind hers....into her soul...

    She takes my hand which was wrapped around her thigh and leads me up towards stiff erection touches her thigh on the way up..leaving a dab of precum.....which she immeaditly removes with her finger and rubs her if to lubricate it more...

    She holds her breast towards me....arching her back to allow me a better vantage point to it.....nibbling softly....then licking penis laying flat against her labia......sliding downwards with ever lick....

    Her lips are slippery with her juices...I can feel my penis rubbing up and down her slit.........the tip of my penis......rubbing against her now hard clit...

    I throb in pleasure...and am filled with desire.....she flows through me......past the physical...deep into my soul.

    She reaches down....her hand firmly on my penis.....pressing it against her I rub against it...causing more friction...

    I pump feels so good.........closing my eyes.....lost in the pleasure.....not noticing til the last second..that she has moved her hips......and in the quick second...I sit on the doorstep to her sex...

    her hand guides my cock into her........the warmth of her moisten pussy is so her lips grab hold of me....sucking in my entire length...

    My lips meet hers......and with every thrust I feel us both moving closer and closer to orgasm.....she screams in pleasure...her hand now down between us..alternating rubbing her clit and fondeling my balls......

    INtensity rising....thrusting faster and faster.....movements long and direct......eyes locked on one another......her mouth opens in pleasure....and I fill it with my tongue.......

    Closer and closer....pumping.......she lets out screams of desire.....telling me to fill fill her with me......

    Her hands on my ass...pulling me deeper.........she screams that she is coming....screaming she is coming all over my hard cock.

    The very sound of her moans of desire pushes me to the edge and then quickly over......I follow her orgasm with one of my own......pumping her full of my moist sticky fluid...

    WEll that's the end of chapter 1...if anyone wants more....tell me.hehe

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]