Free Room Section

Free and Public Rooms

[Free and Public| CorkBoards| Private Rooms]


1a Naughtyboy's Cam Room
Open to all, owned by Naughtyboy
A Naughtyboy and his Live Cam...
1morewrd One more word...
Open to all, owned by lil minx
Just one word. What is the first word that comes to mind?Everyone is welcome to play.
01 Room 111. Jodi's Quiet Room
Open to all
3fingers 3 fingers of jazz
Open to all, owned by Blackbird Holdings
3 fingers of jazz at the 141. City RPG.
3oo1 High Adventure
Open to all, owned by cloak
A world of the fantastic...For role-playing....where anything can happen and usually does. Come in and join in....An Epic in the making...Est. December 1997
4hope Happy Birthday Dawn!
Open to all, owned by Tarno
Come and wish everyone's favorite lil ray of Sunshine a Happy Birthday!
9thdiner Big Al's Greasy Spoon
Open to all
A RPG of "THE CITY" enter and remain in character...this is a 24/7 greasy diner, take out and eat in, your average diner kind of food...
1000word A picture is worth ...
Open to all
"Just listen: every day is like a snapshot taken." A gallery. Sex, love, life- in photos. NSFW.
1147 The Farmyard
Citizens only, owned by ty
a barn where ANYTHING goes
2356 big girls wet room
Open to all, owned by lifestar1
The Spa for lovers and pleasure seekers let your imagination run wild, big beautiful girls cum here.....
3006 Sunbird...Reality / Virtuality....*Wink*
Open to all, owned by Sunbird
Reality / Virtuality....I swing *both* ways. Stop in and say *high*....:) *Owner reserves the right to ban from this of this date -0- persons have been banned*
5023 The Hyde House
Open to all, owned by bubbahyde
This room is temporarily OUT OF ORDER by order of the health department. Sorry.
5798 Toni's Pub
Open to all, owned by vmax
9011 THE HAPPY JET SET AND 40s! Crowd.
Open to all, owned by Porge
The Owner works so please use the room!
9036 dark forces
Temporary room
18584 Don's Heaven
Temporary room, owned by RADAR
18598 ThRoB
Temporary room, owned by ThRoB
29739 Tall Girl's Club
Temporary room, owned by Visitor
29760 Captured slut
Temporary room, owned by Visitor
absolsub Discussion And Debate
Citizens only
A room for Dom/me and sub/slave to relax, have a drink and discuss D/s relationships. The Life Style. To be honest and open in the discussions. Respect the operative word.
aestate Anabella's Estate
Citizens only, owned by Anabella
The Lady Anabella welcomes you to her home. Bring an open mind and an open heart and enjoy the companionship and conversation among friends, old and new.
ag The Mystery Palace
Open to all
A place for us!
ahavas ahava's sanctuary
Open to all, owned by ahava
a place for ahava to spend time with friends
alaska1 Alaska ~ The Great Land
Open to all, owned by Troll
For Alaskans and those who want to know more about The Great Land, The Last Frontier, Land of the Midnight Sun & Fridgid Winter Nights!
alcove sakari's alcove
Open to all, owned by sakari{M}
sakari's room on the second floor of the Fortress..
alladay The Living Room at AllanHouse
Citizens only
The Living Room of AllanHouse. Where Shuna entertains her guests. A full range of refreshments of all kinds is always on hand, all Mistresses and their pets are invited to use AllanHouse at any time
allagard The Garden at AllanHouse
Citizens only, owned by Allana Sin
The gardens at Allanhouse, for the pleasure of Shuna Allan, Her Guests and Their pets.Newcomers - please read the roompage before posting.
allanbat The Slave Baths in AllanHouse
Citizens only, owned by Allana Sin
The slave Baths of AllanHouse. Here Shuna Allan's slaves may wash and groom themselves for Her pleasure and that of Her guests.Newcomers - please read the roompage before posting.
amcork Ancient Master's room of lateral thinkin
Open to all, owned by The Black Knight
This is a cork dedicated to Ancient Master's Mysteries.......
amuseme Share the Love
Open to all
How about some romance for a change. same room, same blather, but with that Valentiney feel
angelplc Angel's Place
Open to all
Angels place. A small apartment in The City.
announce State Announcements
Citizens only, owned by Seph
antipant antipanty
Open to all, owned by halfelvengrrl
Pix & play. Knickerless & panty-free. 
armor SirKnights Armor Inn
Open to all, owned by SirKnight
Welcome to SirKnights Armor Inn, a place to be happy and worry free...all are welcome
artstuff Artstuff Gallery
Open to all, owned by admiration
Artstuff Gallery....
assbang ass/gang banging fun
Open to all
anal and group sex!
atlanta Let's Party in Atlanta
Open to all, owned by Lover
Need Party Girls in Atlanta
atlantaf atlanta-falcon
Citizens only
atns Chez ATN
Open to all, owned by ATN
Carpe Mammarum
babble The Tower Of Babble
Open to all, owned by Adult Visitor
barefeet barefeet
Open to all, owned by barefoots
For the old submart regulars, and any new friends who feel like dropping in for a chat. Nothing fancy, but it's home.
barista Barista Coffee Shop
Open to all, owned by laurelynn
Stop in for your favorite coffee or tea drink, and meet some new friends!
beachdr Beach Drive..
Open to all, owned by thginc
Beach Drive runs North to South and is located on the east side of The City. It is a thoroughfare serving homeowners and businesses in The City RPG. Play in character, please.
betcha Betcha (Yahtzee!)
Open to all
beyond Beyond Being Binary
Open to all, owned by Karma Chameleon
Do you identify as Non-Binary/Gender Fluid? Then you'll find acceptance here. Those who ARE Binary, but who support those of us who AREN'T, are also welcome.
bfr Bianca's Foyer Refuge
Open to all
binaris Binaris - Computercenter
Open to all, owned by wesley
Some problems with the computer? Look here! Probleme mit dem Rechner? Hier gibt es Antworten!
birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY! angelgirl
Open to all, owned by boe
bitchfit bitchfit
Open to all, owned by halfelvengrrl
If the bitch fits, pitch it
biteyou Marked
Open to all, owned by Papi de mirlo
Witty Banter, Good Music, naughty images, and whatever else catches O/our interest
bjavitz Bennie Javitz Place
Open to all, owned by Bennie Javitz
Bennie Javitz Place in the Rockshore RPG
blkvelvt Black Velvet
Open to all, owned by reece{S}
A new religion that'll bring you to your knees
bohemia I'm not like them but I can pretend
Open to all, owned by L7
visionary quests....
breast Breast Lovers Room
Open to all, owned by Whispering*Male
Pictures of Breast BIG or small This is not a chat home, keep comments with an image
breezes Beachcomber
Open to all
Some beach ...somewhere. All Welcome. Be respectful.
bridge Table Four
Open to all, owned by Annie
brown The Brownstone Apartments
Open to all, owned by shyla march
Brownstone Apartments on 9th Avenue. Studio apartments as well as 1, 2 & 3 bedroom vacancies. Part of "The City" RPG
bums Room for bums
Open to all, owned by Stroker
There be bums here. Spank one today.
campdwm DWM's Campsite
Open to all, owned by DancesWithMice
The campsite of DancesWithMice located somewhere outside of town in the Tombstone RPG.
captbar3 The Sunset Beach Bar
Open to all, owned by Jon Rozzman
Jon Rozzman's Sunset Beach Bar. For the good times ....
carla Carla
Open to all, owned by Carla
carthoug Carthoughts
Citizens only, owned by Victor
catjon Jon & Catherine's Apartment
Citizens only, owned by Catherine Sullivan
Jon and Cat's Apartment at Drifter's Refugee Center.Part of the EoD RPG. Come IC only! OOC to whispers or mail Please!
caves DragonStop
Open to all, owned by Scaracus
The DragonStop...the resting place of weary travellers... staying under the protection of the ancient bronze dragon ...Scaracus... the merry community grows...
cbirthda Happy Birthday Miss Cielle
Citizens only, owned by neko angel@soi
cclawoff Copper Creek Sheriff's & Jail
Open to all, owned by Faith Chapman
Copper Creek Sheriff's Office & Jail -Part of The Old West...Copper Creek RP.
chconfrm The City Council Chambers
Open to all
The City Council Chambers located within City Hall - Entrances to City Hall on Shady Lane and Remembrance Boulevard - Part of the City RPG
chorus Chorus Dressing I
Open to all, owned by oudis
A room for fans of musical comedy, with a Challenge posted weekly.
chuckta let's have a chat to chuckle
Open to all
cins cin’s Shadows
Open to all, owned by cinstinna
A place to chill, reflect and be... whatever the hell feels right in the moment. Open to A/all -as long as Y/you're not an A/asshat. Warning : orneriness encouraged.
cityair City Int'l Airport..
Open to all
City International Airport provides a portal into the Realm of The City RPG. All are welcome for role play.
citynews City News
Open to all, owned by Freya Galbraith
City News ~The City~ RPG
clbs beastie's day room
Citizens only, owned by curious lil beast@soi
Just an eddy where stuff collects.
clinic welcome to....the
Open to all
clinic1 The New Clinic
Open to all
The New Clinic
club The Couples Club
Open to all, owned by Kevyn
Intimate retreat for romantic couples. This property is the perfect place to start your evening with like minded couples interested in sharing conversation, a drink and perhaps more....
clubsoi Club SOI...The virtual swing club
Open to all, owned by VG
The virtual swing club for SOI. Come in and enjoy erotic friends....
commit Read a little story...
Open to all, owned by �edgie
There is no story of Covenant and Sedgie. Others are welcome to add their stories of falling in love via SOI!!!
corp The Corporation
Open to all
A Corporate Office where the bosses are after the secretaries...And the secretaries molest the delivery boys...Butt pinching is encourged...NO rape or bloodletting
cruisin Cruisin With 68mustang
Open to all, owned by 68mustang
Cruisin with 68mustang...please! no sex in the back seat.
cumfun Cum Fun
Citizens only, owned by suzze
cumsee Cum and see us..
Open to all, owned by SugarPie
Cum on "in" and get comfy..Lets play...Anyway you want..
daddyde Daddy-dear
Citizens only, owned by finchbird
An experiment with Daddy types. Male, female, or any (gentle) Daddies welcome.
darkly Darkly & Richly
Open to all, owned by blackbird
"Poetry can communicate before it is understood." Contributions welcome.
demo Bob's Chat Site Demo
Open to all, owned by Dean
A public room for demonstrating SOI chat features.
demonnit Castle of Lord Black Heart
Open to all, owned by lil ragdoll {BH}
Castle of Black Heart and His lady aleera{BH}
dessas dessa's niche
Open to all, owned by incandessa
just another space in the state to hang out and enjoy the company of others however you desire....
diner BJ's Diner
Open to all, owned by BarryTyler
The Diner on Shady Lane. Part of The City RPG. IC only.
displays Swinger's Annex Photo Gallery
Citizens only, owned by Cameron
Photo galary for guests of the annex....
dlibrary ancestral library
Citizens only
the ancestral library located in the Shadou Chateau of Northern Beware
dmclinic Broadway St Clinic
Open to all, owned by steven barnes
Broadway St Clinic. Part of the DM RPG
dmroads Roads and Highways
Open to all
Roads and Highways outside of Chicago. Part of the DM RPG
docslab The laboratory of Doc Evil
Open to all, owned by Doc Evil
The laboratory of Doctor Evil
dragoshi The Dragoshi Group
Open to all, owned by Argon Dragoshi
The Dragoshi Group Headquarters of a Crime Syndicate
drgonfly ~Dragonfly - Art in Imagery~
Open to all, owned by MdeO
'Artworks of the Air' ~ Why the dragonfly? Why not? MdeO's place of wordplay, passions, haiku, and artfulness ~ Likeminded spirits are welcome
dsentry the Shadou Chateau's entrance hall
Open to all
the entrance hall of the Darkshadow Chateau - RPG of Beware/Northern Beware
dystop Deckard's dystopia
Open to all, owned by Deckard
A room where Deckard spends time
edgwater Edgewater
Open to all
Edgewater is a major thoroughfare running through The City RPG.
elaines Lainy's Lookout
Open to all, owned by lainy
Stop on in for a chat and a wonderful view...put your feet up on a chaise and have a cold one...plenty to go around!
elixir ELIXIR
Open to all, owned by Zoltar
emmagirl emmagirl's hangout.....
Open to all
emptyone fill'er up with high test
Open to all
this room is a different mood
endes Dream ~ Drops
Open to all
endearment's place of dreams...soft as a summer's rain, or with the force of a keep.
evillab Doc Evil’s Public Laboratory
Citizens only, owned by Doc Evil
Doc Evil’s public laboratory, come in and watch the experiments.
facials Mess me up
Open to all, owned by Stroker
When a guy blows his load all over the girls face
faehaven The fae haven
Open to all, owned by lace~rain
a safe haven for pixies and friends...
fbg Fat Bottomed Girls
Open to all, owned by The Black Knight
A room dedicated to BBW's..Come chat, play and have fun..Pic gallery off of the room...Click on the room title for some fun
fcplace Foyeer Chatterin' Place
Open to all
A Chatterin'Place for the folks of Foyer (or anyone missing their place at Bianca's)
fdomme1 The Ladies Social Club
Citizens only, owned by Miss Alicia
A place for Dommes to relax, and to torment little visiting pets. Welcome!!
fetishs UK-male..Seeking fetish/BD female.
Open to all
flyclub The Flying Club
Open to all, owned by jag
For pilots, trainees, or anyone interested in flying in general....or indeed anyone else *s*
fonts fonts, dingbats and things
Open to all, owned by L7
sites for downloading fonts
forbid Forbidden Desires
Open to all
From behind the shadows, in the dark of night, I call out to you *it seems nature always causes us to want something more, once it's forbidden*
freelove Free Love
Citizens only
When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, things around us become better too. ... Welcome to Free Love.
freyarm Freya's Beach House
Open to all, owned by Freya Galbraith
fritz Fritz
Open to all, owned by Cloud Dancer
Be naughty
garden Hidden Garden
Citizens only
A Hidden place of peace and tranquility. Not part of any RPG.
germans German Swingers
Open to all, owned by Attila
Room for German Men and Women for sexual play
glascage The Glass Cage BDSM Gallery & Library
Open to all
The Glass Cage, a BDSM Art Gallery and Library. Located on Twilight Avenue above La Serenissima BDSM Club. Part of The City RPG. Please post in character.
golf Lucky's Cow Pasture Pool Course
Open to all, owned by luckylady
A place for all you avid golfers or duffers to discuss the game of the day...
gospel The Gospel Room
Open to all, owned by Preacherman
A room set aside for good clean conversation.
gotham Gotham City
Open to all
Welcome to Gotham City... Pick an alias and join us in a world of wonder here in Gotham City...
hall The Hall
Open to all
Draven's Club within the realm of B.D.S.M ~ Limits will be stressed and the rules of SOI apply without question.
haunts The Other Side
Open to all, owned by cloak
Est July 1997
heartsha heart's shadows
Open to all, owned by shadow heart
hedoii Hedonism II - Paradise Found
Open to all, owned by HedoGuy
Devoted to that spot of tropical paradise in Jamaica known as...HEDONISM II...and to all that it is...Let the toga party begin!!
help Private Office
Open to all
heshe He~She The Best Of Both!
Citizens only, owned by @nne
A place to view and post hot TS/CD pictures. Do you enjoy seeing a beautiful "gal" with her own hard cock in her hand? ~*smile*~ Stop in for a look. NOT a chat room!
honey1 Honey on Display (echoes to see all)
Open to all, owned by Susan2
hooligan Hooligans Restaurant & Bar...
Open to all, owned by Hunter Regan
A Traditional Irish Restaurant & Pub. Contact Hunter Regan with inquiries. The City RPG....IC OOC drama....If you're not a part of The City RPG please do not enter....
Open to all, owned by Boe
A sexy place to meet the person of your dreams! FREE DRINKS!
hotel Hotel Refugee Gathering Spot
Open to all
Metrogate Hotel is gone, but now there's finally a place for Hotel Refugees to meet! Stop in and see some of your old friends, or make some new ones. Everyone is welcome...
hotku ~*~Sensual theme haiku poetry~*~
Open to all
Sensual themed Haiku room, all welcome.
hotskirt ~Hotskirt's~~San Francisco~~bay area
Open to all, owned by hotskirt
Hi how are you? Here is where I live out my fantasies and hope to live them out someday
hounslow Out There: Cyberian Outpost
Open to all, owned by reynard2
Come in and play with the Rorschach Cards. The only rule is that you do not post nude or other sexually compromising images of children or animals. That's right: no pictures of naked animals even if t
humpers Good Old Fashion Sex
Open to all
A special place for those seeking good ole fashioned sex.
inhale Uncloaked
Open to all, owned by ilarose
A place to reveal Oone's true self while, hoping for One to revel in the beauty of nature.
inspiral Below Stairs
Open to all, owned by Rosie
"Never look backwards or you'll fall down the stairs."
intrepid ~Tri-Dot Productions (Archive)...
Open to all, owned by Watching...
invasion The Invasion of the Ant
Open to all, owned by ant
The Invasion of the Ant
invest Invest
Open to all, owned by Conservative
Room to chill and talk about the Markets, Sports, Traveling, etc.
isbound The Fortress
Open to all, owned by ladyfaith
Home of Lady Faith, Her family, and Ffriends... A/all are welcome but this is not a pick-up room.
itspeak It Speaks To Me
Open to all, owned by laurelynn
A song can lift your spirits. It can break your heart. Music speaks to me. It tells the things you can't say aloud. Share your melody. Share your thoughts if you wish. Sometimes its just easier
jdice julianna's dice room
Open to all, owned by julianna
Come try your luck
jeffwu The Hill Cottage
Open to all, owned by Jeff Wu
The Hill Cottage is on The County Road,in The City Role Play Area.
jerkoff The Masturbatorium
Open to all, owned by Stroker
Mutual masturbation is more fun than solo.
jsranch The Steele Double Bar S Ranch
Open to all, owned by johnsteele
The Steele Family's Ranch Property and out buildings this is part of THE CITY Role play, do not enter unless as a registered character
juliett Respite
Open to all, owned by blackbird
Coffee, chat, and banter ... and whatever else W/we think of. A/all are welcome.
jusaroom Ní gach duine a wander atá caillte
Open to all
kajira kajira falls
Open to all
Kajira falls is a Safe Zone No Kill,Capture or Ko' Gor.......or pant stealing....*s
kcchiefs K C Chiefs
Open to all
a place for fans of the K C Chiefs to hang out. All are welcome, but no Chiefs bashing!
kidz This Ain't No Downstream Chat Room
Open to all, owned by evil godmother
kings a place to dream about a championship
Open to all
krypta Die Krypta
Open to all, owned by Harpyie
ladies The Ladies Room
Open to all, owned by Diane
A music room which is linked to #r-thecat@mansion
lake Welcome to Lucky's Lake!
Open to all, owned by Lucky Lady
A peaceful place to come and chat....!
lakestor Cove Lake Market..
Open to all
The food market and drug store at Cove Lake. Not a sex room. For roleplay in the City RPG.
lakstor The Change My Name Lounge
Citizens only
lambda Lambda Zeta Sorority
Open to all, owned by Beth Coed
Open to A/all Femalesshe-males and sissy bois now welcome
letsplay Let's Play (Yahtzee!)
Open to all, owned by Faith
Yes. Another Yahtzee room. Come on in. Let's play!
lilpet Erin's blanket fort
Citizens only, owned by smitten kitten
As big as it needs to be, this is where erin comes to hide and play. Littles welcome. Dominants must be respectful.
linda Defining moments
Open to all
Moments, they matter not how long or short, they simply matter. No RP or public play w/o owner approval first. No warnings
lrbs Little Round Bums
Open to all
A gallery, hosted by an Old Bear and His honey, dedicated to the beauty and appreciation of the "little round bum."
lust3 Den of Iniquities..The Seven Deadly Sins
Open to all
a place to give and take what you want, to and from whomever you orgy room....bring your friends....available for parties....
lvngroom Southwestern Room
Citizens only
A place to gather and relax* Respect the operative word here. To explore and talk about D/s.
mask The Masquerade
Open to all
The demon family invites you all to a Holiday Masquerade!Ward - Any who enter will be safe no matter their alignment a truce is set none may break it.
maureenn If it feels good, do it twice...
Open to all, owned by Maureenne
Designed for mucky-sucky mutual masturbation, consentual, raw with total abandon..strip down to your panties or boxers and slide respectful to all who enter...avi's are on!
michome Mic Charles Home
Open to all, owned by Mic Charles
misfits Island of Misfits
Open to all
A room for those who feel like they don't fit. Welcome to the island of misifts. Everyone is welcome Scening is welcome. BDSM welcome. just chat or scene. whatever makes you happy. a few simple rul
missbath The Mistresses Bath at AllanHouse
Citizens only, owned by Allana Sin
The Mistress' Bath at AllanHouse. Strictly for the use of Mistresses and their pets where permission is given.Newcomers - please read the roompage before posting.
mochroi LCP
Open to all
mompic Mature Nude Pictures
Open to all, owned by Snake Plissken
mother A room for M/mothers and S/sons
Open to all, owned by Heartsong
A room for mothers and their sons. Respect SOI rules. May 2020: Block rules
msmouse ms mouse's house
Open to all, owned by msmouse
A cozy cottage at the bottom of the foothills, a quiet place to chat, share ideas, just have fun.No violence/public sceening, please respect all who enter here. EST 2/99
muggys ~ My Lil' Corner Of The World ~
Open to all, owned by muggy
There's a story behind every person...a reason why they're the way they are. Think about that and respect them for who they are!
multi Various Roleplay
Open to all
Fantasy RP. Not affiliated with any realm. Role play an entrance.
music music.. and conversation
Open to all, owned by sakari{M}
a place for music and conversation..established in June 2023.
musictrv Music Rules!
Open to all, owned by babylove
There be musicians here! Want to talk about it? or play a little trivia?
mypond My Pond
Open to all
When artists get bored...
myshbrch A Prayer Room
Open to all, owned by Lady Faith
A place to offer prayers of healing - of body, mind and spirit.
myspiral The Spiral Home to All things strange
Open to all, owned by Anomalous Biff
A room to explore the strange and unexplained..NOT A PICK UP ROOM. UFOS and conspiracy theories are STRONGLY discouraged
nastier Nastier
Open to all
Hole in the Wall Pic Spot in a Not so Fancy part of Town. Nasty, Kinky, Sexy Stuff...Stop in and Unload...Breezers, Peepers and Peekers Welcome!
ncfolk North Carolina Folks Chat Room
Open to all, owned by Carolina
Hi...come on in and enjoy some southern hospitality!!
nipples Nipples....A/all welcome...
Open to all, owned by Bitch Goddess
"Nipples" is an OPEN chat ...BDSM with plenty of fun and excitment....A/all are welcome..for plain good fun with some Evil things lurking in the shadowy corners..*grin*
noviss novi's space
Open to all, owned by novicce
novi's place to rest
nudebea Welcome to the nude beach
Open to all, owned by Whisper
obar Orgasm Bar
Open to all
Upscale bar catering to those with discerning tastes. Sexy behavior and pleasures are encouraged. Follow soi rules. Play nice or be shown a blocked door.
oceansid Oceanside where the beaches are warm
Open to all, owned by BA�IC
omalley A Bar called O'Malley's
Open to all
a place to plan your escape
onceupon Once Upon A Time
Open to all
Continue a story, using three, four, or five words.
oral Oral sex in all forms
Open to all, owned by Gramps
The mouth is one of my favorite erogenous zones
original Original Poetry Creations
Open to all
Haiku, Acrostic, Bio-Poem, Limerick, Ode, Sonnet, Elegy, Traditional or Free-Form..just to name a few. Come create the style of the moment!!
panties Panties
Open to all, owned by tinkerbelle
panty Panty
Open to all, owned by MrB
A place to post pics of pantiesThis isn't a chat room. If you want to chat do it in whispers.
paradise Paradise Lost
Open to all, owned by Paradise Lost
The War in Heaven has spilled onto our Earth. Turmoil corrupts our streets. Death comes into our homes. But here where General Chat, Shameful Behavior & Other Shenanigans are Encouraged - We are free
password Passwords
Open to all, owned by Attila
pawn precocious prattle
Open to all
You gave your life to become the person you are right now. Was it worth it?
peek naughtygirl's not-so-live anymore cam
Open to all, owned by naughtygirl
Naughtygirl at her naughtiest.....
pencil An office befitting a Pencil Pusher
Citizens only, owned by Pencil Pusher
Pencil Pushers and Bean Counters, corrupt bureaucrats?
perched ~2024 Here We Go~
Open to all
perezhom Casa Perez
Open to all, owned by Fox Perez
The City home of Fox and Ximora Perez along with Guillermo Alvarez who is Fox's Fiancé.
pianobar The Pianobar stay tuned's backroom
Open to all, owned by Annie
Friendly chat with neighbours. Submit a music wish.
picden I have these........needs……..
Open to all
pilcrow Pilcrow
Open to all
Please contribute to an ensemble story,one paragraph at a time. Welcome
pnw PNW
Open to all, owned by Muckstick
a place for those in the pacific north west to meet
pontiac Pontiac Chat Room
Open to all, owned by kirbster
Dedicated to all the Pontiac car owners that love to chat about cars.
postapic Postapic
Citizens only, owned by suzze
A place to post pics of any kind within SOI rules
postit Quotes and Sayings
Citizens only, owned by Vagabond
Share your favorite quotes and sayings. Not for long passages. Not a chat room.
proses Heart Proses
Open to all, owned by ilarose
A place to let Yyour imagination run wild. To feel, to live, to breathe, to express the inner words Yyour soul sets free.
provocat Behind the Curtain
Open to all, owned by Iliad
Behind the Curtain - My OOC room for chat, music, pictures - not trolling. NO HARDCORE PORN
push A place for girls who need a push... con
Open to all
All welcome but check out the theme
pwlovers Powwow Lovers
Open to all
For people who like to have sex on powwow, possibly even phone
ql Kinky Friends of Latex Loving Laura
Open to all, owned by Larry
qstorm quiet*storm's haven
Open to all, owned by Faith
racetrac The Racetrack Lounge
Open to all, owned by eborcim
rafters The Garret
Open to all
ranchhom Double Bar S home
Citizens only, owned by johnsteele
part of the City Role play realm....enter in character
ranchhs An Abandoned House in Texas
Open to all, owned by John Steele
Part of the Rock Shore Realm. Post IC only
ravencaf The Raven Cafe
Open to all, owned by Eve Poe
The Raven Cafe - City RPG - IC only.
rcc Catholic Gathering Place
Citizens only, owned by Tom
relaxx Relax
Citizens only, owned by krysta
A cozy place to chill, relax and chat. Grab a comfy chair or pillow. Drinks and snacks are always available. Help yourselves! This is not a pick up room.
replay Retro Replay
Open to all, owned by Illyria Sync
Retro Replay-Vintage Gaming Consols, Games, PCs
rig97 Rig 97...drillin deeper ....cheaper
Open to all, owned by Rig Pig
roadside Another Roadside Attraction
Open to all, owned by panmissy
rockand Rock and Roll Heaven
Open to all, owned by cloak
" It's only Rock 'N Roll, but I like it!" Anything goes in this room...Come in and show your moves.
romani Property of the Roma
Open to all, owned by george dean
Property of the Laishi Roma. Part of the DM RPG
romstabl Freedom Woods Public Stables
Open to all, owned by Naomi Roman
Freedom Woods public stable.
rtserv Help Me Find One to Serve
Citizens only, owned by masterez
A Room to find One to play with in R/T with a safety net
rubber The Change My Name Lounge
Open to all
rubber2 The Change My Name Lounge
Open to all, owned by bdmale
rummies The Cuban Rum and Cigar Emporium
Open to all, owned by bubbaschultz
Open to All Lovers of Good Rum, Cuban Cigars and Fine Women. ~A City RPG Room on the Southside~
saints All teams Football room
Open to all, owned by lainy
Saints Football! Who Dat! :D
sakaris sakari's quiet place
Open to all, owned by sakari{M}
..just a room for friends to gather..
scampout Camp Out
Open to all, owned by seana
A canopy of stars, a campfire, and conversation.
scnverse Scenes of Verse
Open to all, owned by MdeO
Borne of a challenge to create a haiku scene, 'Scenes of Verse' is a growing anthology of stories told in terse verse ... If it is set to 5/7/5 haiku, take the challenge, join in and tell your story
seahut Seahut
Open to all, owned by Gramps
A airBnB in the sea with various occupants
seducere Moonlit Seduction
Open to all
Welcome to the sensual and secluded garden hidden behind Sheku-tor@soi. Here one can be delighted at the feel of soft grass beneath their feet and the sweet scent of flowers surrounding a rippling str
selflove Celebrating Masturbation
Open to all, owned by VG
Sharing thoughts, fantasies and the fine art of self pleasure.
sengir Sengir Castle
Open to all, owned by Fallen Angel
a haven for it's Lord, Fallen respectful, or be gone...."take the skin and peel it back,now doesn't that make you feel better?"
seraroom Seraphina's and Logan's residence
Open to all
The residence of Seraphina Windsor.
sereniss La Serenissima BDSM Club
Open to all
The Serenissima, a BDSM Club with a difference. Part of The City RPG. SSC and realistic play. No cybersex pick up room. Post In Character.
shame SHAME
Open to all
Drive her to her knees, bring her to tears, allow her the release of being shamed.
shboat The Soleil
Open to all
The Soleil, Hadrian's and Severin's -RIDICULOUSLY- sized yacht; a drunken purchase much to both of their surprises.Usually moored in Chicago, though sometimes they'll be out on the great lakes in it
shflooc Shuffle RPG OOC
Open to all
Shuffle RPG OOC
sincity Sin City
Open to all, owned by SinfulCandy
A playground for Sin
sk The Squirrel Kingdom
Open to all, owned by squirrel king
slur .
Open to all, owned by slurred
A place for prose of any type. From erotica to the day's trash. You don't have to think it's good. GOOD doesn't matter. Let it come from your heart. NO CHAT PLEASE.
slutopia Where the sluts play
Citizens only, owned by Heartsong
Heaven for sluts. NSFW and service oriented. sluts should be ready to serve. Posting implies consent to be used.
slutwife i love my wife.. my slutty wife
Open to all
soi The State of Insanity
Open to all
The State of Insanity visitor center.
Open to all
A Blues club open to the public.. catering to the whores of the boulevard..carol burns is our resident whore / bartender . treat her with respect .. she has the choice to say NO..
soulgasm Eventually, everything connects...
Citizens only
Eventually, everything connects
spades Spades
Open to all
spawar SPA Field Ops
Open to all, owned by bubbaschultz
Field ops performed by SPA operatives. ~The City RPG~
sshh2 Whispers room
Citizens only
Whispers room (temp while sshh is inaccessible)
starligh Rivendell Observatory
Open to all
Come gaze upward at the beauty of the sky. The world seems quieter when the stars and planets are in line. A RPG of Beware. Not a Pick-up room.
stepford stepford wifes
Open to all
where a wife knows her place
stoop backyard retreat
Open to all
A concealed spot, behind my house.Often NSFW. THIS IS NOT A PICKUP ROOM.
sundance sundance
Open to all, owned by Golden Feather
sweets Sweet Meets
Open to all
A room for making out or just having fun
swingrm Cameron's Annex
Open to all, owned by Cameron
The loft for open chat and discussions of what couples do when they decide to explore their mutual sexual fantasies...
tanlines Tan Lines
Open to all
A pic room for tan lines all welcome
tcsboat TC's Boat
Open to all, owned by TangoCharlie
tcsden ^^TC's Den
Open to all, owned by tommuscattius
A place for meeting friends, cracking jokes, telling stories, comparing books and movies, and just plain foolin around. All welcome, please pet the cat.
tentouch The Tender Touch
Open to all, owned by Tayzia
This is a room for friends and for romantics.A room in which to chat,relax and enjoy the softer,uninhibited side of romantic love between a man and a woman.A room for equality,not domination !
test Voyager's Den
Open to all, owned by vtvoyager
A place to kick back..relax...enjoy
texstar John's Lone Star of Texas Room
Open to all, owned by Texan
Another room for Texans by a native displaced Texan.just G-Rated chat, a Howdy and a tall tale or two. There are rooms for all tastes in SOI. Here is one for those with a taste for Texas.
thebus Traveling. No pics, no avs.
Open to all, owned by Magycian
Traveling. No pics, no avs.
theclub comfy
Open to all
Open to all, owned by Delilah
A place for MISTRESSES and their slaves.. to meet.. to be served.. to be amused.. to enjoy..
thehabit The Dirty Habit
Open to all, owned by Ghost Lemoux
The Dirty Habit, a dive bar on Mortush next to the old Railyard bar. Part of the Rockshore RPG.
themeado The Meadow
Open to all, owned by Gray Eagle
GrayEagle and GrayEagle's Mari invite you to come in and enjoy each others company!! come and share!!
theother The other room in the tower
Citizens only, owned by rapunzel
Rapunzel's hiding place part of the Wonderland RPG
therapy Therapy Office ** Danse Macabre RP **
Open to all, owned by MartinFoster
Psychotherapy office of Martin Foster. All species welcome to book appointments. ** DM RP **
thirst Blood Castle
Citizens only, owned by redhaired girl
A Haven for Vampires..a place to indulge and explore the Vampire genre, to feast on the castles' captive hostess (This is NOT a pickup room!)
timetav The Timeless Tavern
Open to all, owned by Figment
A friendly place where everybody knows your name.
tinkers tinker's old home
Open to all, owned by Gramps
Old tinkers, new owner
tinytops Tiny Tops
Open to all, owned by Jackbooker
A room for women with flat chests, and the men who love them. NSFW!
tirnaog Irish Pub
Open to all
All are welcome, be respectful
todice touch*of*dice
Open to all
touch*of*dice yahtzee... est May 10, 2022
toonz Toonz
Open to all, owned by Gramps
A fun place to post cartoons, anime or whatever tickles your funnybone
topper Classical Gas Cafe
Open to all
slip in, relax, and let your heart shine.. all welcome.. tunes, refreshments and snacks always in good supply.
torrich Village of Torrich
Open to all
The Village of Torrich - A Beware RP room, high in the Northern Mountains, a place once beautiful now in ruins, as dead as those that dwell there
tree1 Tree House
Open to all, owned by Catherine Sullivan
Catherine and Jon's tree house in the Shuffle role play realm. Way up is by rope ladder, visitors of Shuffle welcome, trolls not.
tropical Tropical
Open to all
"Lets get tropical!" Room for chatting, looking at beach pics...anything warm!!
troubhal The Main Hall
Open to all, owned by troubador
Home of Troubador & abby - BDSM and Vanilla friendly, a place to gather, laugh and share. Scenes welcome. This is My home not a pickup room.
upherass she likes it...
Open to all
vampwing Uriel's and Genevie's
Open to all
Uriel's and Genevie's wing in the Tiger Clan house. Part of the Danse Macabre RPG
vca Heros, Legends, and Just Plain Folks
Open to all, owned by Methias
Friendly conversation and light flirtation. Come and join us for breakfast, or enjoy the unlimited variety of beverages.
vickie Welcome to voda and Kitara
Open to all, owned by Vicky Higgins
For voda and Kitara
web bea's hideaway
Open to all
bea's little place to be free in whatever the mood of the moment demands.
wetmen Men that get wet, women who love it!
Open to all, owned by Monkeynuts
A room for men who get wet on arousal and the women who love men who lubricate. Just the tought of sex gets them wet!
whimsica ~*~Faerie Hill Cottage~*~
Open to all, owned by rafter rosie
whiteros White Rose Garden
Citizens only, owned by kardelen
Home of kardelen
wildfire Wild Fire's Secret Room
Citizens only, owned by chelle
wives Wives
Open to all, owned by The Wives Room Regulars
Laid back room generally inhabited by an eclectic group with varied interests and the topics of discussion may lead anywhere. However, it is NOT a cybersex pick-up room.This is one of the old
wrath7 Den of Iniquities..The Seven Deadly Sins
Open to all
a place where a little pain brings much pleasure....spanking permitted....but consentual play only, please.....
xinloi A little piece of the Nam
Open to all, owned by Gray Eagle
a room designed for the use of any Nam Veteran, Era Veternan, and any current Vets of current wars...come have fun relive those days when life was a high..when we were in our late teens and early
xxx XXX-Rated Activities
Open to all, owned by Stroker
Definitely Not R-Rated
yartzeit yartzeit
Open to all, owned by cork owner
A place for remembering those who have passed.
zaftig Zaftig Women
Open to all, owned by Rock Mosby
A room to display pictures and sing the praises of zaftig women
zengard A place of meditation and enjoyment
Citizens only, owned by lisa tanner
Lisa Tanner's place of meditation. Guests welcome


[Free and Public| CorkBoards| Private Rooms]


4deadeye Messages to and from Deadeye
Open to all, owned by Desi
If you want to leave a message or picture for Deadeye, Do it in here! (Also, check back occasionally for messages FROM him!)
4151cork Steve's Corkboard
Open to all, owned by steveg1
Message your friends at Steve's Place
backdeck Current Events
Citizens only, owned by Passing Pedant
Events and Happenings. What's going on.
bdjcork Leave a message
Private room, owned by belle de jour
boytoys Toys
Private room
Open to all, owned by boe
Hooters Corkboard
corpcork The Corporation Employees' Notice Board
Open to all
ctscork The Crosstime Saloon Cork
Open to all, owned by lordcallahan
dracork Dragoshi Crime Syndicate Cork
Open to all
OOC Room for players in The City substory,Dragoshi Crime Syndicate to connect,post ideas, requests to play, and for announcements/information
eroticas ~Eroticas Library~
Open to all
Leave a Story, Read a Story, but always be civil
fortcork The Fortress' corkboard
Open to all, owned by Lady Faith
gercork German Swingers Corkboard
Open to all, owned by Attila
historie Historie of Erin
Citizens only, owned by Angus Og
Weekly histories of Erin
inspire ms mouse's house cork room
Open to all, owned by msmouse
just a spot to leave a message, a joke, something fun and silly, or to make you stop and think...
kittycat The Pet Lovers Cork
Open to all, owned by delicate boy
Post pictures and stories of your pets.
lisacork A corkboard for Lisanne
Open to all, owned by M. Organic
A cork for Lisanne
memoriam Our Memorial Wall
Open to all, owned by mickie
A room to remember those we've loved and lost here.
memry A quiet place to remember our loved ones
Open to all, owned by colleen
A place to reflect, remember or visit our extended family members who have left us too soon.
Open to all, owned by KC Red
A friendly little place to leave a message for someone.....
milkcork The corkboard for #r-mparlor
Citizens only, owned by Dr. Handy
mmm ~Message Center~
Open to all
montcork Montmartre Cork
Open to all, owned by Suely
msg The Cork
Open to all
The cork...A place to leave and retrieve messages for various people and rooms.
mykafay Kafay Nwar Back Booth - Recipes & Ideas
Private room, owned by Paisley
...dedicated to posts regarding recipes, kitchen secrets, and any other cooking-related ideas you wish to share...
ourcork O/our cork for D/s, Music, Images, etc.
Open to all, owned by Papi de mirlo
Music, Images, Discussion. Sometimes culture, politics, sexuality, D/s all intertwine. Contributions welcome.
phcork a message place for phone lovers
Open to all, owned by Mr. Fantasy
politicz SOI's Political Corkboard
Open to all, owned by Flavius
SOI's Political Corkboard
quotes A place for fine words
Open to all, owned by Warm Heart
A room of famous (and not so famous) quotes
racefan For NASCAR Race Fans
Open to all, owned by Jeff Gordon Fan
A room for NASCAR fans. . .
rigsap Cedar Chest of Poetry
Open to all, owned by Nicci^v^
A place for the Works of Others that have reached inside us.
rtevent RT Stories
Open to all
Don't be shy. Come and tell U/us about some RT sexual stories or confessions you have exprienced.
serving serving
Open to all
a place to learn about BDSM
Open to all, owned by Tarl Cabot
skcork cork it!!
Open to all
slutcork Message the sister sluts
Open to all, owned by stripteaser
Please leave a message for the sluts...
swcork Swingers Annex Corkboard
Open to all, owned by Cameron
Corkboard for the Swingers Annex...
timecork Timeless Tavern Corkboard
Open to all
topic Danner's BDSM Topic Cork
Open to all, owned by kyss[D]
touchcrk The Tender Touch CorkBoard
Open to all, owned by Tayzia
The Tender Touch Corkboard....A room for all
vcacork The People's Cork
Open to all
This is a Corkboard for Heros, Legends, Just Plain Folks, and anyone else who needs a place to post ... Open to all. Act like real people, if possible.
wantads The SOI Personal Ads
Open to all, owned by miquey
looking for that perfect cyber-soul mate? your ad here...
wantme2 Don't you want me?
Open to all
A place to scribble your name, and then wait to see who wants you.
wantnone Want None ~ A Heart Break Cork
Open to all
A place to release the pain/ache of life, of love. Express your pain in poetry ~ Release in a Rant.. But never let it be said it was not done with passion (Not a place for flames)
webdos HTML exhange
Private room, owned by missyM
weighty Weighty Issues
Open to all, owned by share time
A place to discuss the physical and emotional issues with weight and weight loss.
weirdwo Dark Zone
Open to all
A room with stories
wsub Wives Message Board
Open to all
Message board for the users of the "Wives" room
yarn Yarn Cork
Open to all
cork for yarn workers to share patterns & ask questions
z12a Theatre Inge Mail Box
Open to all
z2bared2 z2bared continued
Open to all, owned by DMan
Bare your assets!!! [NSFW] SOI rules apply.
z2free Let's talk, and let's listen.
Open to all
A Moderated, Conservative Leaning, Citizens Only, Mostly Political, Cork Board -- All Topics open or civil discussion
z2poli Z2 Politics and News Cork
Citizens only, owned by Pepin
Politics and News Corkboard for the Z2 Community.
z2poli4p Politics for Pussies
Citizens only, owned by Q-Man

Private Rooms

[Free and Public| CorkBoards| Private Rooms]


2rgarden The Night Garden
Private room, owned by Image~N~ation
There are secrets of deep passion and desire hidden in the night
6164 Station 44's rest area
Private room
11808 jimmy's place
Private room, owned by vmax
admit Naughty Slutty Confessions Room
Private room, owned by Dean Punishment
aikyou faith's public playground
Private room
Girls that like fishin' huntin' and guns are not weird...we are a rare gift from God...
allans allan' times here!!
Private room
ascent lured's lair
Private room
the suite of scent reserved for the scent so sweet. sniff, sniff..
baja Marguritaville
Private room
barcell dungeon
Private room
PRIVATE... invitation only
beerhut a place to all
Private room, owned by Beernut
bratpack Brat Pack Top-Secret Hideout
Private room
Brat Pack Top-Secret Hideout! BRATS ONLY! A PG sub safe-zone; Dominants enter at Own risk. Come learn the fundamentals of rafter hiding, marshmallow throwing, ninja stealth and appearing innocent!
breedme Breed me please
Private room, owned by faith~blue
A place for exploring the theme of breeding...souls without manners will be banned
cameron Cameron & Brooke's Fantasy Room...
Private room, owned by Cameron
Welcome to our playhouse...where we come to live out our fantasies...We're a happily married couple who love to explore our wild side...
cravings Where lust is served
Private room, owned by Dominator
Let Pleasure intermingle with Pain
cuntrol Chaos
Private room, owned by Cyric
Illusions abound
daddylo Daddy Longjohn
Private room, owned by Longjohn
darkrm O/our Home
Private room, owned by VORACIOUS
darksex A room for exploration
Private room
devil Ever dance with the Devil?
Private room, owned by echolynne
Come on in, pull up a chair and share... Leave a link - leave some music, leave a pic, leave porn. Be yourself, be someone else, but most of all have fun doing it...
disgrace Deliverance through
Private room
It is time to accept the things you cannot change through living your truest self.
dmsleep Various Bedrooms
Private room
Various bedrooms for characters in Danse Macabre.
dominion A place for gentle submission
Private room, owned by Gandiff

drkbehap Drink Be Happy
Private room, owned by Dionysus
Dionysus' Pagan Respite... come, drink, carouse and be happy...
dukes Dukes
Private room
Where Duke entertains
escape Escape
Private room
Imagination should be used, not to escape reality but to create it.
familia anytime...............
Private room
flicka Beware of the naughty little minx...
Private room, owned by flick
jmhome 1729 Primrose Lane
Private room, owned by Juliette Mercanti
The private residence of Juliette Mercanti. Part of THE CITY RPG. Please knock before entering.
lockup Portal..To Fantasy or Passion...
Private room, owned by Your Beast
msalon The Milking Salon
Private room, owned by LactoseTolerant
A Parlor Unlike any other! Filled with the most state-of-the art equipment. A milking parlour par exelence. We are staffed with helpful and highly competent staff eager to meet your every need...
mysafepl My Safe Place
Private room, owned by hattie
A/all are welcome here. 
obscene Disgrace
Private room, owned by in disgrace
please Are you going to make me say
Private room, owned by jinx
Prayed, or sung, whimpered and moaned, screamed, raged or shouted, please is my favorite word
pub It Comes In Pints
Private room, owned by London
ravrose one's home away from home.
Private room, owned by Bclaws honey
my home in the shadowland's. A place to relax and enjoy honest conversation only. Not a pick-up room. No RP and no public play without prior permission.
readrm Journal
Private room
As a submissive/slave never be afraid to speak of your deepest thoughts and desires without fear.
readtome Reading Room
Private room, owned by panurge
reg Possibilities
Private room, owned by Mystery.f
A room of possibilities. Where your mind can conjure visions of ecstasy.
roomhom HAVE A HAPPY DAY! (0) (0)
Private room
Happy Times for A/all
sailaway Sail away with me...
Private room, owned by Craig Duncan
sanctuar Sanctuary
Private room, owned by Sabbath
The Sanctuary is where Sabbath welcomes visitors and prey.
sharpark Sharkies Park a place in the Woods
Private room
Private room
slavepen kajira auctions
Private room
A kajira auction market and holding pens
spiral The Descent
Private room, owned by in disgrace
spirit Johnny and Nova's....
Private room, owned by Nova Lane
Johnny and Nova's Bedroom. Alternate reality.
stable Pony Stable
Private room, owned by Larry
stakes Gambling Hall: Stakes!
Private room
Gambling Hall: Stakes! Wagers are Encouraged!
stones Settin Stones Candy Land.
Private room, owned by Settin Stone
Settin's home. Read the rules, Respect those within. NO DRAMA ZONE.
suebday Happy Birthday Sue from Oz
Private room, owned by Screaming Memee
suefromo Happy Birthday Sue from Oz
Private room, owned by Screaming Memee
A Room to Wish Sue from Oz Happy Birthday in.
surfin Jacqi's
Private room, owned by Jacqi
Stop by to chat if You'd like, but for Registered Handles only at this time.
tableau A Stage of Dark Delights
Private room, owned by Kendallharris
A simple stage where the delights of flesh can be displayed and shown.
thesola The Solandge1
Private room, owned by Mia
The Solandge
thewick The wicked
Private room
Where the wicked roam. All are welcome.
thisway This way
Private room, owned by s
toistoys toines playroom
Private room, owned by toine
toine's playspace. NO TROLLING!
toys The Toy Chest
Private room
wheel Wheel Of Destiny
Private room, owned by Sweet Transvestite
Special Events Room: When you see this room on the hot list, check it out.
wolfdrmz the Home of Charles
Private room, owned by shadowalker
xlarry Latex Lounge
Private room, owned by Larry
xmas Christmas
Private room
A place to share ideas about Christmas or just come in and chat, a quiet and relaxing place for friends to meet.