The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Tue Jul 16 12:48:31 . Doms and Their subs
Clifton said:
I have a link in our room I want you to see.

Tue Jul 16 12:47:12 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
livvy dunne said:
looks in for a few

Tue Jul 16 12:46:25 . Male Chastity
bennett said:
It is easy to please a Woman who is always in control and understands D/s lifestyle.

Tue Jul 16 12:44:33 . Black on White
Kevyn said:
SUCH a good girl!

Tue Jul 16 12:44:14 . Just One
Angus Mason said:

Tue Jul 16 12:43:36 . Male Chastity
Lady Q said:
Shows you have proper boi mindset

Tue Jul 16 12:42:46 . Male Chastity
Lady Q said:
Oh just relaying My thoughts

Tue Jul 16 12:42:05 . Black on White
sunflower69 said:
I would so be kissing her*wg*

Tue Jul 16 12:41:46 . Male Chastity
bennett said:
Swallowing and holding back tears at Your generous compliments. This male will always try his best to please Milady.

Tue Jul 16 12:39:38 . Black on White
sunflower69 said:
MMM have always loved that set with the blondes. So damn sexy*S*

Tue Jul 16 12:39:15 . Male Chastity
Lady Q said:
Quite rare indeed

Tue Jul 16 12:38:38 . Male Chastity
Lady Q said:
Another thing that My mind dwells on
Is you took it side by side allong with other boi
You were 2cd in line after you heard his struggles and groans you didnt shy away knowing you were next

Tue Jul 16 12:38:23 . The Dock
Toren said:
Good to hear , and thank you *smiling*

alright back to RT

Tue Jul 16 12:38:13 . Z2 Corkboard
ATN said:

Tue Jul 16 12:37:29 . Z2 Corkboard
ATN said:
You got this, Chief

Oh, the colors you’ll see….

Tue Jul 16 12:37:09 . Sadistic
Bellatrix said:
I'm afraid My world is pulling Me away.
Good day for now.

Tue Jul 16 12:36:35 . Sadistic
Bellatrix said:

Yes, just like that.

Tue Jul 16 12:36:34 . Z2 Corkboard
ATN said:

Tue Jul 16 12:35:24 . Male Chastity
bennett said:
It humbles me and fills me with pride that i please you Milady.

Tue Jul 16 12:35:24 . The Dock
Primo said:
All is well here…wishing the same for you

[End of Transfer]

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