The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Fri Jun 28 19:43:53 . A room for M/mothers and S/sons
kemp said: a place?

Fri Jun 28 19:42:18 . A room for M/mothers and S/sons
Zoey 45 said:
hi any planes rest of evening

Fri Jun 28 19:41:08 . A room for M/mothers and S/sons
kemp said:
placing the long stemmed glass on the counter

Fri Jun 28 19:40:59 . The Great Mother's Otherworld
Alain said:
Fairram Rise
as the fire builds and the smoke rises he begins the satisfying task of skewing the rabbits. Y shaped limbs of green wood are placed beside the fire across from each other. the six foot skewer made from the same wood will soon rest across the open flames of the huge fire pit. his taste in food has changed dramatically as has his dress code. calf length breeches made from deer hide cover his lower extremities complimenting the deer skin vest he now wears. the breeches could be longer and the vest sleeved, but he hasn't skinned and tanned enough hides yet.

Fri Jun 28 19:38:34 . Leo's Place
Leo Sterling said:
One of them had to be calm. Okay, that's probably not true, but they're grateful at least -you- are calm.

On some level, they've been expecting this. On a deeper level, they've been half expecting it for most of their life. It still manages to be shocking and devastating, somehow.

The signing pen doesn't really register, neither does the paperwork. Your hand does, judging by the way he immediately takes it, and how tightly.

"My parents." His voice remains small in the space, along with the rest of them.

No, he doesn't really have much in the way of armour to begin with. It's probably a good thing you think it is part of their appeal.

A little shake of their head, like that will dismiss the sense of stupour - it doesn't particularly work. There's also a palpable delay in registering the rest of what you'd said - eyes focusing on you a little more.

"Yeah," they're a little stunned, so you're going to need to forgive them for being a little slow in the moment. "Wait, did you say I have a place?"

A shaky breath, the veneer of calm cracking a little. "On the bright side, I don't need to worry about coming out to them, it's officially moot." A stab at humour, with a thread of a laugh, albeit not a happy one.

Fri Jun 28 19:37:51 . The House Blackheart Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:

Fri Jun 28 19:37:31 . Z2 Corkboard
timbre said:
about half and half
if i have others, it takes planning, if just me i usually wing it

Fri Jun 28 19:37:11 . Fantasy Role Play Room
Illyria said:
She felt the anger in her grow. It was out of control. And she stalked back into the woods, pacing back and forth for a moment... Before her fist slammed into the nearest tree. The sycamore exploded in a groan and a shower of wood particles. Before the top landed on the bottom, and tilted, falling with a great crash, taking out two more lesser trees. *

Fri Jun 28 19:37:09 . Stacey's WhoreHouse
Vince 25 said:
are you one of the girls in the house

Fri Jun 28 19:35:31 . Stacey's WhoreHouse
emme said:
*returns to the waiting room in tears and leaves a note for Stacey*

I am so very sorry..... please clean the room...

Fri Jun 28 19:34:06 . Stacey's WhoreHouse
emme said:

Fri Jun 28 19:34:02 . Fantasy Role Play Room
Illyria said:
*approaching the young man, she tilted her head, one hand moving his mother to the side*. What is your name?

*His head lifted bravery, and looked her square in the face and replied.*. Wesley.

*Illyria felt as if she had been gutted in that moment.her for. Switched back and for a few times, as if the shell was activated just by the mention of the name. She looked quickly at the woman, who's face was filled with terror*. Why have you done this!?

Fri Jun 28 19:32:49 . The House Blackheart Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
If I get clarification
As to whether I can post
My blog link

If I can I will

Fri Jun 28 19:31:17 . Stacey's WhoreHouse
Vince 25 said:
wounder where her pub is

Fri Jun 28 19:30:33 . A room for M/mothers and S/sons
kemp said:
sneaking a glass of mom's wine

Fri Jun 28 19:30:19 . Stacey's WhoreHouse
Vince 25 said:
are you here

Fri Jun 28 19:30:01 . Just One
unc said:

Fri Jun 28 19:29:47 . Stacey's WhoreHouse
Vince 25 said:
so just what do you have planed

Fri Jun 28 19:29:18 . The fox and hounds
julee said:
will check back in a little while

Fri Jun 28 19:29:05 . The Great Mother's Otherworld
Alain said:
Fairram Rise
dropping wood onto the smoldering embers to ignite the nights fire. three rabbits gutted and skinned hang waiting for the kiss of the skewer. a small flame leaps up between the gathering of small logs and starts to spread. he remembers when he used to read and memorize poetry to recite to his lady fair, now he reads the images wavering in the fire and listens to the stories the hissing of wet wood tell. quite the departure of his mindless evenings spent in carnage.

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