The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Thu Jun 27 11:57:09 . Stacey's WhoreHouse
Stacey said:
Sighs well that didn't go as I had hoped

Thu Jun 27 11:57:01 . The Dock
Jon Rozzman said:
irmix. The owner's very nice.

Thu Jun 27 11:56:06 . The Dock
Primo said:

…what’s the room name?

Thu Jun 27 11:56:02 . A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Lose...
delaney said:
"Thank you. No milk a little honey."

I sit at the table, good posture, creamy legs showing under the short skirt.

Thu Jun 27 11:55:50 . The Dock
Seana said:
Excellent. I always enjoyed the Barista place I had for a while.

Thu Jun 27 11:55:43 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Rottie said:

Game over!

Final scores:

Rottie : N/A

Thu Jun 27 11:55:12 . A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Lose...
Elias said:
I smiled and nodded

"you may, yes. No milk and a touch of honey."

I turned and headed to the counter to order for us. An eye cast back to her as I left her, for the moment.

Thu Jun 27 11:54:24 . A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Lose...
delaney said:
I stutter as you ask. "Is a tea okay? May I have tea?"

Thu Jun 27 11:53:54 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Rottie said:

Rottie has started a new game with the following players:

Thu Jun 27 11:53:47 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Rottie said:

Game over!

Final scores:

Rottie : N/A

Thu Jun 27 11:52:42 . The Dock
Jon Rozzman said:
It's nice too in that since it's a Café it hasn't required things that I'd balk at.

Thu Jun 27 11:52:26 . A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Lose...
Elias said:
I smiled and nodded as I led her back in. Walking her directly to the table she was removed from earlier.

Letting her find her place as I stood.

"What would you like sweetheart?" I asked staring directly into her and holding her gaze tightly

Thu Jun 27 11:51:58 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Rottie said:

Rottie has started a new game with the following players:

Thu Jun 27 11:51:45 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
soon orders another drink while waiting for excitement

Thu Jun 27 11:51:35 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Rottie said:

Thu Jun 27 11:51:32 . The Dock
Seana said:

It's a place to 'be' and to 'belong'.

Thu Jun 27 11:51:24 . The waiting room
Crimson Glove said:
opens a window to let in some fresh air

Thu Jun 27 11:51:14 . A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Lose...
delaney said:
I re-enter the cafe in a 4 inch heels, bricght red lipstick and a striped dress with a short skirt and scoop necked top, my blonde hair behind my back.

Thu Jun 27 11:50:56 . A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Lose...
Elias said:
I held the door open to the cafe and let her step back in....

Paused, I waited for her to catch up

Thu Jun 27 11:50:25 . The Dock
Jon Rozzman said:
I enjoy being there when I can. I enjoy being hospitable. Still feeling and balancing old impulses.

[End of Transfer]

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