The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Mon Jun 24 23:32:19 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
Fenix Arsenal
IRIDIA could feel her heart racing — she wasn't sure just where that was coming from, or even just how much of it she truly believed, how much of that was sincere or her reacting to Perry's idealism.

…if she didn't care, if it was really how she felt, if she felt irreconcilably incompatible with that worldview, she'd honestly just keep her mouth shut and politely refuse to work with him again.

Instead, she saw a path forward — he told her he'd only done more co-op before this one, so that excused him letting his ideals motivate his behavior.

…and whatever other baggage that IRIDIA was dragging around, not-so-invisibly.

Images of another pragmatist-turned-idealist scrolled her memories. A sung poem in a voicemail, a self-sacrificing boy turned into a man in a monster-cage turned into a martyr for some… something.

Everything within her wanted to break her resolve, to shatter and chase Peregrine P. Olveira and tell her she was sorry, that she didn't want him to feel poorly, but… the moment passed. The pain subsided, the buzz in her chest and temples faded, her blood pressure normalized and her Biomon stopped alerting her.

She reclaimed the blades, picked up the gun, mated the mag, charged the weapon and clicked on the safety, wordlessly merging in with your ready posture.

They weren't waiting until tomorrow.

Mon Jun 24 23:31:08 . Z2 Corkboard
Calc said:

Mon Jun 24 23:27:51 . Z2 Corkboard
sweet melissa said:
Absolutely, prayers going up … hugs N love to you and your family.

Mon Jun 24 23:22:57 . Z2 Corkboard
Bitchlyone- said:
Uplifting you and hoping for the best of outcomes.

Mon Jun 24 23:22:34 . Room for bums
TomT said:
And that is a perfect ass

Mon Jun 24 23:21:42 . Room for bums
TomT said:
Just a hint of a perfect ass

Mon Jun 24 23:20:17 . The Masturbatorium
TomT said:
sweet surrender of the panties

Mon Jun 24 23:19:17 . The fox and hounds
Phil54 said:
Wanders in after work ..

Mon Jun 24 23:19:17 . Art Gallery managed by cindy artist
emme said:

thank You, TomT

Mon Jun 24 23:18:54 . Art Gallery managed by cindy artist
emme said:

photographers believe that erotic photography came about soon after photography was invented..

Mon Jun 24 23:18:36 . Art Gallery managed by cindy artist
TomT said:
Very pretty avatars

Mon Jun 24 23:17:37 . Art Gallery managed by cindy artist
Kvan said:
Interesting how far back porn pictures go.

Mon Jun 24 23:16:15 . Just One
SilverBiker said:

Mon Jun 24 23:07:38 . Art Gallery managed by cindy artist
emme said:
*changes Avatar again*

Mon Jun 24 23:05:16 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
Fenix Arsenal
Haven and Briar are both pretty magical, he'd agree. It'll make for a great double-date, he's pretty sure. Briar has opened up his world, in so, so many ways.

Eyes close and he takes a centring breath, before looking your way again. "Sorry. I'm... I don't usually hurt people. Just Corps." Doing more has left him uncomfortable.

Upset, if he's being honest. He doesn't want to give you or IRIDIA any more reason to doubt him.


Any attempt at self defense, any response to that first statement is lost as you go on. There are some things that even he can read - your tone, the way you're speaking - even he recognizes words lined with razors.

He actually backs up a step as your body language visibly changes.

You were glaring, and he froze, unsure what to do. Visibly hurt and distressed at your words.

"I -I - no How did you - I um, I ddn't say any of that!" His eyes won't hold yours, head tipped down. An attempt to hide he's close to tears, and then you bring out your sword.

That's when he turns to put the last of his gear away, so he can lift his backpack. "I'm sorry. I'll go."

And if you don't stop him, he really is heading for the door. Not clear how all this went so wrong, though he'll surely be up analyzing it for much of the night.

Mon Jun 24 23:04:24 . TASHA'S Lounge- LGBT and BDSM friendly
jen24 said:
Thanks for chatting
I should be going

Mon Jun 24 23:03:24 . TASHA'S Lounge- LGBT and BDSM friendly
milf~slave said:
not sure i can help you there
truly only a slave

Mon Jun 24 23:00:29 . TASHA'S Lounge- LGBT and BDSM friendly
jen24 said:
Thats nice
I was kind of hoping to be used there

Mon Jun 24 22:58:48 . TASHA'S Lounge- LGBT and BDSM friendly
milf~slave said:
if you wish i will walk with you
its dark and the stairs are steep

Mon Jun 24 22:57:18 . TASHA'S Lounge- LGBT and BDSM friendly
jen24 said:
Oh.. nice
Too bad you cant take me there

[End of Transfer]

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