The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Sat Jun 22 21:29:33 . RT Slave Chambers
cara sub said:
so quiet

Sat Jun 22 21:29:30 . Femjail Redux
amy said:
Still trembling,
eyes wide,
forcing the words out....

"Thanks, Sir."

then casting her eyes toward the floor,
feeling humiliated

Sat Jun 22 21:29:00 . Catfight
female officer said:
(sorry.. have a RTI)

Sat Jun 22 21:28:39 . Just One
Black Horse said:

Sat Jun 22 21:28:31 . Plains of Turia
Paesyn said:
While life carried on around her, she remained with legs tucked and curled on the ground where she had spent the day, dozing and watching the stillness of the raiders as some slept. A soft hum played in her chest; she sat with her back straight, the lines of her body definitely feminine, hands-free from the coils of ropes, the wrappings of cloth still bracelets them were clasped lightly in what would be her lap if she sat a bit more straighter and less to one side of her hip. She was relaxed, the evening breeze playing with the dark curls the comb and oils created; plainly clothed, there was still the hint of regalness about the woman as she sat on the ground in the midst of nowhere.

In contrast, others came and went, doing whatever to whoever, returning with assorted goods and even a few kaiila saddles included.

For now, the full skirt spread about her, its pale coloring starkly contrasting with the dark, rocky ground.

Gazing out towards where the mountain ridge rose, perhaps there was a trail? If so, from where she sat, it would look no different than the rest of the boulder-strewn landscape. Turning, her intent was to look to where the first hint of shimmering stars had begun to make their evening appearance; as her eyes moved, she suddenly found herself staring straight into the dark eyes of the man draped in desert garb.

Her gaze held a curious light, golden orbs soft, the full lips hinted at a smile, or maybe their fullness moved in the light play of the tune she hummed. Observing him as he went about ending the life of the fire, the stars were forgotten for now as sparks danced from his stirred and whirled upwards only to dim and disappear.

Sat Jun 22 21:27:46 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
World Breakers HQ
((LAst to you))

Sat Jun 22 21:27:33 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
World Breakers HQ
He got stabbed in the leg.
You got stabbed in the leg.
They're practically twins...

"Need a hand?"

If so, he'll lean in and get his arm around you. They can do some sort of awkward thing where they both use their good legs to move to the elevator.

Peregrine P. Olveira-

::I didn't hear anything about that. If you can do it discreetly and quietly, go for it. But the encryption part is a bitch.::

According to Kendo, Militech was estimating 7 years of brute forcing quantum decryption to unlock the black box and gain access to the data.

Sat Jun 22 21:27:12 . Jarl GaigiN's Cabin
Jarl GaigiN said:
And take My place sitting cross legged on a pile of furs My back to a wall facing the door.

Sat Jun 22 21:26:54 . Catfight
female officer said:
eyes go wide.. nodding as i open my mouth wide.. and star to suck .. slobbering all over that monster

Sat Jun 22 21:26:35 . North Town Night City RPG
Celestine said:
World Breakers HQ
Time was Rapidly depleting, and Celestine was forced into close hand-to-hand as the detonation dropped to her to hands and knees, and then she was forced back up to a kneeling defense, forced back and given a chance to get back to her feet.

Beneath the gear and disarmed, she nevertheless somehow divided her focus between your unrelenting combination and the retreating forms of your allies like she were committing them all to memory.

Balance was… it was a weird thing with her given the influence of her wings, compromised with the pulse of the E.M. shielding that flexed and pulsed like an invisible muscle, shaking off the magnetic debris like chaff even as she took up a posture that seemed ready to fight off the threat of a sudden draw of some potential hidden weapon on you.

Instead, a push-kick against her armor, which she must know that you knew wouldn't be an effective way to hurt her, so—

A flick of her eye past you, over your shoulder.

You probably knew the Flamberge was going to do that trick you saw her do to Echo, and try to clobber you on its way back to her like Mjölnir, but in the meantime she didn't seem to mind just how you were posturing around her or maneuvering her

Sat Jun 22 21:26:21 . pipers stables
chloee said:
the pony more depressed than usual
having heard them say today is saturday
all of them talking about their plans

Sat Jun 22 21:24:43 . Catfight
female officer said:
glancing back at you.. and seeing how large it looks on you.. yes Maam

Sat Jun 22 21:24:13 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
Evil Director said:
Having a drink at the bar and waiting for a starlet…

Sat Jun 22 21:23:24 . Catfight
female officer said:
shivering as i nod.. yes Maam..
i climb in the ring.. getting on my knees.. like i lost..

Sat Jun 22 21:23:20 . Plains of Turia
djinn{RED} said:
Dividing piles of the coin and other valuables into equal portions is the most logical way to disperse such weight to be carried by each Raider having no wagon to use the loot can be stowed in saddle packs.

As each packs ready Men come and collect them some with a few gruff words others with a wink and some in steely silence,djinn has learnt much from the Raiders helping her practice silent signals and some telling her tales of her Master in battles.

Dark eyes taken in the sight of her Master covering any remnants of the fire,his muscles rippling as he makesight work of the shovel,sweeping an errant lock of mane before the shell of her ear she notes the pain momentarily etched on his face the tightness of his chiselled jaw and her eyes seem to darken ,finishing up the task she sets the last few packs aside.

Sat Jun 22 21:22:30 . Catfight
SarahJi said:
wicked grin...
get in the ring.

So it's just like you lost to me.
bitch laugh...

Sat Jun 22 21:21:13 . North Town Night City RPG
Victoria Forsythe said:
World Breakers HQ
She catches up to you, and offers you her back for a piggyback. It'll be easier with your leg,, and evacuation is the priority now.

She trusts Dylan to keep Celestine off them just a little longer.

Sat Jun 22 21:21:03 . North Town Night City RPG
Nobunaga said:
World Breakers HQ
Oh Hells Yes! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

...and of course it's an oncoming train. The assholes who stumbled out of the smoke bleeding from his generous donation of buckshot are caught and dragged to safety by the rest of the onlookers, only to have Trouble come knocking. In this case, Sergeant Trouble is one of the long-service NCOs that helped keep the Lieutenants watching The World Eaters in the loop and keep the troopers as close to in line as this batch of bloodthirsty perverts can get. Which means he's got experience, an iron will in the face of danger, and a metric shit-pot of cybernetic augments.

He spends a few seconds shouting the squads surrounding this chokepoint into some sort of order and then strides in confidently. A single full-auto shotgun will be unpleasant, but he's not expecting anything properly capable of doing real damage. Because otherwise it'd have surely been deployed by now. This has to be some poor fool from the strike team who got disoriented and ran into the chokepoint leading to The General's inner sanctum! If he can secure this point, then The General will have to recognize his ability and loyalty since all of the Lieutenants are down. Time to go earn his upgrades!

Nobunaga sees this through the drones that are attached to the ceiling and giving him a bird's eye view of the situation. While he's doing this, he drops one of the magazines of grapeshot anti-personnel rounds and loads a 10 round mag of a concoction Echo lovingly has listed simply as "Hotshot". A priority broadcast pings out over the encrypted PartyFinder link with arrows heading to the elevator.


And with that, he proceeds to pull Carmen to his shoulder and illustrate to Sergeant Trouble exactly WHY you don't stride blindly into the smoke trusting that all they have is small arms.

1-4: You've seen that old flatvid, Dredd? The one where the main character shoots some chode in the mouth with a thermite bullet and puts him down with a single shot? Go watch that movie, but for now have this re-enactment of that scene.
5-8: It takes half the clip, but Sergeant Trouble is a big target in a small space and stumbles off to one wall and goes down. The way out is through, but narrower there. Don't trip if you're moving at speed!
9-12: Well, shit. This guy is *tough*. It's the full clip into him and he charges into the mess almost getting to Nobunaga's position before going down. Dead borg is smelly, and toxic fumes are not a good thing for anyone without external rebreathers!

Sat Jun 22 21:20:38 . Catfight
female officer said:
gasping as i hear your tone.. what.. no pic..
sorry Maam.. i only have on my bikini..
that growl making me shiver.. as i quickly slip off my bikini top and bottoms..

Sat Jun 22 21:20:25 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
World Breakers HQ
If he can, he is going to try to swing by you on his way out to help you get out too. You were hurting, and he was hurting considerably less.

Echo Fenix --

::Did we promise the Guild anything about not also cloning the black box?::

Asking for a friend.

He is the friend.

But more seriously, if they have the information too, maybe they can do something to lessen the impact of whatever is on it.

[End of Transfer]

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