The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Sat Jun 22 21:21:13 . North Town Night City RPG
Victoria Forsythe said:
World Breakers HQ
She catches up to you, and offers you her back for a piggyback. It'll be easier with your leg,, and evacuation is the priority now.

She trusts Dylan to keep Celestine off them just a little longer.

Sat Jun 22 21:21:03 . North Town Night City RPG
Nobunaga said:
World Breakers HQ
Oh Hells Yes! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

...and of course it's an oncoming train. The assholes who stumbled out of the smoke bleeding from his generous donation of buckshot are caught and dragged to safety by the rest of the onlookers, only to have Trouble come knocking. In this case, Sergeant Trouble is one of the long-service NCOs that helped keep the Lieutenants watching The World Eaters in the loop and keep the troopers as close to in line as this batch of bloodthirsty perverts can get. Which means he's got experience, an iron will in the face of danger, and a metric shit-pot of cybernetic augments.

He spends a few seconds shouting the squads surrounding this chokepoint into some sort of order and then strides in confidently. A single full-auto shotgun will be unpleasant, but he's not expecting anything properly capable of doing real damage. Because otherwise it'd have surely been deployed by now. This has to be some poor fool from the strike team who got disoriented and ran into the chokepoint leading to The General's inner sanctum! If he can secure this point, then The General will have to recognize his ability and loyalty since all of the Lieutenants are down. Time to go earn his upgrades!

Nobunaga sees this through the drones that are attached to the ceiling and giving him a bird's eye view of the situation. While he's doing this, he drops one of the magazines of grapeshot anti-personnel rounds and loads a 10 round mag of a concoction Echo lovingly has listed simply as "Hotshot". A priority broadcast pings out over the encrypted PartyFinder link with arrows heading to the elevator.


And with that, he proceeds to pull Carmen to his shoulder and illustrate to Sergeant Trouble exactly WHY you don't stride blindly into the smoke trusting that all they have is small arms.

1-4: You've seen that old flatvid, Dredd? The one where the main character shoots some chode in the mouth with a thermite bullet and puts him down with a single shot? Go watch that movie, but for now have this re-enactment of that scene.
5-8: It takes half the clip, but Sergeant Trouble is a big target in a small space and stumbles off to one wall and goes down. The way out is through, but narrower there. Don't trip if you're moving at speed!
9-12: Well, shit. This guy is *tough*. It's the full clip into him and he charges into the mess almost getting to Nobunaga's position before going down. Dead borg is smelly, and toxic fumes are not a good thing for anyone without external rebreathers!

Sat Jun 22 21:20:38 . Catfight
female officer said:
gasping as i hear your tone.. what.. no pic..
sorry Maam.. i only have on my bikini..
that growl making me shiver.. as i quickly slip off my bikini top and bottoms..

Sat Jun 22 21:20:25 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
World Breakers HQ
If he can, he is going to try to swing by you on his way out to help you get out too. You were hurting, and he was hurting considerably less.

Echo Fenix --

::Did we promise the Guild anything about not also cloning the black box?::

Asking for a friend.

He is the friend.

But more seriously, if they have the information too, maybe they can do something to lessen the impact of whatever is on it.

Sat Jun 22 21:19:34 . North Town Night City RPG
Dylan Cadd said:
World Breakers HQ
You see, here's the thing about Wraith Omega...most of it isn't Cyberware. It's wetware and genetic engineering. So the EMP knocks off his AR, his HUD, his access to the software, sure. But before any of that? He was infiltrating bases, charming diplomat mistresses, and killing the president of Paraguay with a fork. So while the EMP is inconvenient and his systems need to reboot?

He's still able to fight without them. And when you try to get into pursuit, he reaches out to grab the neckpiece sticking up from your armor and sling you towards the gaping hole you blasted into the side of the building. It won't eject you, but if he can get you heading that way, he's going to follow up with a powerful thrust kick rignt into your breast plate. It won't hurt, bu tit will pack all fo the momentum his frame, and his carbon nanograph spider silk muscles can impart, to drive you towards that open wound in the wall, because he has an idea...

Sat Jun 22 21:19:11 . North Town Night City RPG
Victoria Forsythe said:
World Breakers HQ
It's not coming from nowhere.

But they can discuss all of that later, once they're back home safely to the garage.

Eir is bolting. Perry's back on his feet. Once she's certain they're out, she's moving to help IRIDIA get out too, leaving you and echo as the last line while the magnetic bomb does its thing.

Sat Jun 22 21:18:58 . Catfight
SarahJi said:
making adjustments so it fits nice & snug...
realizing I can hardly touch the tip...

You are over dressed, slut.
low growl...

Sat Jun 22 21:18:03 . Jarl GaigiN's Cabin
Jarl GaigiN said:
After making My rounds I enter My Cabin.

Sat Jun 22 21:17:40 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
World Breakers HQ
Order given once Eir Ascle and Peregrine P. Olveira start hauling ass away from the room and towards the elevator.

The goal was to tear apart the neodymium and spread it all over your armor. Chunks of the most powerful magnets ever created as thrown all over you.

He saw what your armor did to bullets.

Echo wants to know what it does to electrically charged supermagnet chunks.

Dylan Cadd-

Yes, he will grab...oh, Perry grabbed that AA-12. He doesn't want to have to build another one.


::There's a AV pad on the second level...can we secure that and for pick up?::

He's already radioing ahead to the Guild to send their flying ride home...

Sat Jun 22 21:17:10 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
World Breakers HQ
IRIDIA, still recovering from the explosive data feedback from her Ill-Fated attempts to hack the golden-armored woman, snapped back to reality (ope, there goes Gravity) as a bizarre-sounding explosion rumbled her eardrums and a ripple of optical distortion seemed to mess her up.

Nope, they weren't going to be getting any other opportunities better than that.

IRIDIA… god damn it, now she has a new pulsing headache that fit right in with the mercifully numbed hobbling gash on her thigh as she stumbled toward the elevator, her eyes aglow as even as her combat capacitors were blown out, she could at least recall the roller-drones that helped her gain control of it in the first place.

"C'mon, let's go!"

Sat Jun 22 21:16:49 . Catfight
female officer said:
maybe i can get a pic of it on you

Sat Jun 22 21:15:39 . Catfight
female officer said:
oh.. really.. thinking your kidding
as i start to put it on you

Sat Jun 22 21:14:19 . North Town Night City RPG
Dylan Cadd said:
World Breakers HQ
Oh he's not saying anything he really means. Celestine likes to talk. He's just trying to get under her skin. His past is what it is. He knows he didn't always serve the greater good, and that is something he has to reconcile. But this is all about getting her away from Kurtz's recovered brain. But now that Eir Ascle has that dick in the's time to think about leaving.

Sat Jun 22 21:13:52 . The State of Insanity
Jarl GaigiN said:
Continuing on My path…………

Sat Jun 22 21:13:27 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Tyler Wells said:

Sat Jun 22 21:13:20 . Catfight
SarahJi said:
Though I'll admit I become a total bitch if I'm wearing a strap-on.

Sat Jun 22 21:13:20 . North Town Night City RPG
NPC Overseer said:
World Breakers HQ

A Winner Is You...

Kurtz's body flatlines completely...

The brain is safe in your possession...

And Kurtz was so arrogant he never bothered with a deadhand solution...

None of you were supposed to get this far.

Sat Jun 22 21:13:18 . North Town Night City RPG
Celestine said:
World Breakers HQ
"You are on the cusp of redemption. Empathy weaponized, as is the first stage of conditioning to grant a normal man the capacity to kill…"

Celestine sounded almost plaintive as the lamp of her eyes finally returned to the here-and-now, to See you.

"…or sacrifice."

There was a silence, a consideration before that attention Snapped to Kurtz… or rather, what remained of his vacated skull.

Priorities changed, and her wings dropped back to her shoulders with a heavy metal-ceramic Clang as she looked like she was prepared to leap right over you…

…when Vasquez came racing forth from the periphery, where it had been ordered to seek opportunity and importance, and Detonated the Mag-bomb under her.

Both bot and Celestine Inverted positions as the device popped a yard up into the air and then sucked the both of them in, as the nearest objects in the field, crashing her back onto her knees, but quickly trying to scramble to get back into pursuit. Any thought of attacking you abandoned

Sat Jun 22 21:10:09 . Catfight
SarahJi said:
do we need to wrestle?

Sat Jun 22 21:09:09 . Catfight
female officer said:
yes.. i do.. but i don't think i will be finding someone to wrestle tonight

[End of Transfer]

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