The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Sat Jun 22 21:41:44 . your dream sissy.
SarahJi said:
Hi again.
sweet smile...

Sat Jun 22 21:41:42 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
and I didn't get you a drink..
motioning to mona.. a minute later she brings a bowl of water and sits it on the floor beside the sofa

perfect mona... thank you

Sat Jun 22 21:41:30 . Femjail Redux
amy said:
I'm innocent, I tell you, Sir!"

Sat Jun 22 21:41:04 . graphics by v
A Strange Number said:
Room Name: Home of Zhaire Marcus

Room Code: apt

Additional Details: I'm partial to the dark one, but I could not find it in daylight, so I trust your judgement on the best one to go with my Townhouse for Atlanta.

Example image link(s): Need a patio pulldown:

Sat Jun 22 21:40:58 . your dream sissy.
lynx said:
cranes my head upwards..eyes lidded as Her nails scratch my scalp thru my long tresses

rubbing my cheek on the side of Her shin

Sat Jun 22 21:40:53 . North Town Night City RPG
Dylan Cadd said:
World Breakers HQ
Yeah, he's still offline and rebooting into Party Finder.

But you do pick up a signal coming in fast on an automatic relay. From between two warehouses, moving fast. The electronics are all scrubbed, custom. But the engine is a very powerful V8, top flight workmanship. And Nobunaga's drones might pick up the shape of a Quadra 66 Cthluhu.

Sat Jun 22 21:39:53 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
scratching your head..

such a good little pet..My reetha is sick today..
my wife in the hospital... rough weekend

Sat Jun 22 21:38:44 . Catfight
Kitara said:
in dreamsis with my new pet if you want to come bye

Sat Jun 22 21:38:33 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
World Breakers HQ
::It's top-shelf tech Perry. That's why he had to go through all this.::

Echo doesn't want to ruin your idea. He'd be fine with cloning it and handing it over to Arcángel Rubia...if it can be done.

Dylan Cadd-

Alright, into the elevator...

Then he watches you Tribal Chief Celestine out the hole in the wall.


He looks down at his boots. His hoverboard was gone.

::Hang on, we'll swing the AV around to pick you up.::

In mid-air if they have to.

Sat Jun 22 21:38:07 . Jarl GaigiN's Cabin
Jarl GaigiN said:
Wondering whether I will see anyone else tonight.

Sat Jun 22 21:38:03 . your dream sissy.
lynx said:
crawls along on all 4's beside Her

watches as She settles down onto the sofa

curls at Her feet

Sat Jun 22 21:38:00 . North Town Night City RPG
Nobunaga said:
World Breakers HQ
Eir and Perry and Victoria are already in the elevator. You and Echo are hobbling this way. Dylan... Well, thanks to his proximity to the EMP bomb his location in PartyFinder is fuzzy. IRIDIA's rollerbots are relatively tough for what they are, but this is a High Hazard Environment and he's effectively blind to what's happening except for the PartyFinder pings.

.: OMW, EVAC: 240 seconds. Anyone got eyes on Cadd? :.

Nobu and his Ammo Hauler's icons are directly below everyone in the elevator and climbing, so he's down with whatever the plans are to get the hell out of Dodge!

Sat Jun 22 21:37:56 . North Town Night City RPG
Victoria Forsythe said:
World Breakers HQ
::I can help with the Militech protocols.::

No explanation offered at the moment.

She and Echo and IRIDIA are the last into the elevator while Dylan takes a different exit, and as soon as she's sure they're all in the box, she smacks one of the buttons with her fist.

Hang on...

Sat Jun 22 21:37:29 . Femjail Redux
Pervert Cop said:
taking the flask back, draining it with a long pull

more good news for you
the Judge hasn't been around, I'm thinking of declaring emergency powers
then I can hold your trial so you can face the justice you've long avoided

Sat Jun 22 21:37:13 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
mona.. Crown and Coke please..

then taking my drink and leading my pet to the sofa..
setting down and letting it lay at my feet

Sat Jun 22 21:37:03 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
Evil Director said:
Having a drink at the bar and waiting for a starlet…

Sat Jun 22 21:36:47 . Plains of Turia
**Northeast section of the Pains**

.. My numbers have grown again .. I'm thinking theres about sixty of us now , as mosre have heard about the ride to Tor , some coming off the mountain from GDC and others joining from north of here .. When groups come in I give them orders and doll out pouches of coin, having dropped by one of the WB caches a few pasangs back near the eastern most ta-thassa mountain base.. It took an ahn to dig it up and I had rode out by myself to locate it ..

I knew I will need some serious funds to pay for some of my next step and many of our Raiders in this region haven't gotten splits in quite awhile .. As can be imagined, they have all been quite happy about it and are in good moods after we ate a good meal of river tharlarion meat with some tree fruit ..

..Dousing the last fire, I glance at my new girl .. I know some of the Raiders watch her closely with the loot , but if I trust her then they do .. The fact is I don't need to , they will and always are my eyes, my ears and my first line ..

With my men , my Brother Budo Wolf , and my slave about , I don't need to show the throbbing pain in my arm and shoulder , the pounding in my head , and the Will to push through it..

Taking steps over to you , I put the shovel away in the saddlebags of my big black kaiila and scratch under his chin, looking down at you..

"We'll be arriving in the Reed Village soon tonight girl .. you will be able to bath .."

..I give you a smile , and then lift the last couple packs you prepared and strap it to my beast..

Sat Jun 22 21:36:44 . The Dark Deserted Road
TheDarkOne said:
Sitting in my black sedan with the headlights dimmed.

Roadspikes set to catch the next car passing through…

Sat Jun 22 21:36:17 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
strolls in with my pet on a leash

Sat Jun 22 21:35:41 . your dream sissy.
lynx said:
crawls in..leashed to my ravishing One

[End of Transfer]

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