The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Fri Jun 21 14:02:24 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
One Who Is said:
Going to the beach in South Texas. We'll see...

I hope they get you good buses.

Now what is a bus ride away from school? New Orleans?

Fri Jun 21 14:01:50 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
One Who Is said:
Going to the beach in South Texas. We'll see...I hope they get you good buses.

Now what is a bus ride away from school? New Orleans?

Fri Jun 21 14:01:25 . graphics by v
MistressBrigitte said:
I would love this one please

Fri Jun 21 14:01:07 . Caledonia's Cork
ceara {Black} said:

Fri Jun 21 14:00:49 . A semi-abandoned ware house
emme said:
*tries on her cindy artist disguise and checks the normal hiding places for smuggled art parcels*

Fri Jun 21 14:00:06 . music.. and conversation
~*sakari*~{M} said:
*she wiggled her bottom and grinned*

Fri Jun 21 13:59:43 . A semi-abandoned ware house
emme said:
*turns on avatars*


Fri Jun 21 13:59:28 . Good Old Fashion Sex
Wil said:

Fri Jun 21 13:59:24 . music.. and conversation
Mercury said:
smiling as her lips met mine
a gentle squeeze to her tush

Fri Jun 21 13:58:50 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
livvy dunne said:
where are you going? hopefully some place fun?


yeah … we do these college fairs all the time … a few athletes and other reps from campus groups plus admissions go to these things and smile and shake hands and all to get kids to come to school here … sometimes they are WAY out of town and they fly us out and get us hotels and all .. this one is just a bus ride away

Fri Jun 21 13:58:06 . A semi-abandoned ware house
cindy artist said:

nice... back to abnormal...

Fri Jun 21 13:57:31 . music.. and conversation
~*sakari*~{M} said:
those darned gremlins *giggling as she kisses her One*

Fri Jun 21 13:56:48 . A room for M/mothers and S/sons
Ken said:
It's already straight, mom.

Fri Jun 21 13:56:36 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
One Who Is said:

Well, I am about to go on vacation. But, that really does not start until Monday.

So, on the weekend, I will just be getting ready.

A little worried about the weather but that will pass.

Are you recruiting for the University?

Fri Jun 21 13:56:32 . music.. and conversation
Mercury said:
he peeks into her eye, thinks, it must be the Chiefs

lets her tug, his lip pliable, he attempts to get smooches in

Fri Jun 21 13:56:06 . your dream sissy.
Sofia Coppola said:
You are welcome, have a good day!

Fri Jun 21 13:55:31 . your dream sissy.
Sofia Coppola said:
Well, Kitara is probably an excellent choice of trainer… she should be able to get even the most hopeless case of male-ititis straightened out… but who knows, you may turn out to be her match?!
What makes you so inferior, hm? Except the visually obvious?

Fri Jun 21 13:54:45 . music.. and conversation
Mercury said:

Dean Friedman

Fri Jun 21 13:54:44 . StoneHenge
kemmie said:
As she ventured further, the path led her to a sparkling stream. The water was crystal clear, reflecting the vibrant colors of the glowing foliage. kemmie knelt by the stream and splashed some water on her face, the coolness refreshing her. She noticed a faint trail of luminescent footprints leading away from the stream, beckoning her to follow.

Intrigued, kemmie rose and followed the footprints, each step taking her deeper into the heart of the Enchanted Grove. The hum of magic grew stronger, resonating with the pulse of the realm itself. She kept her senses alert, aware that the answers she sought could be hidden anywhere.

Suddenly, she came upon a small, secluded glade. At its center stood a stone altar, covered in intricate carvings similar to those on the ancient tree. The air around the altar shimmered with a soft, golden light. kemmie approached cautiously, feeling the power emanating from the stone.

"This must be important," she whispered to herself, reaching out to touch the altar. As her fingers made contact, a vision flashed before her eyes—images of a dark force spreading through the grove, corrupting its magic and disrupting the balance.

"You must find the source of this corruption," the guardian's voice echoed in her mind. "Only then can the Enchanted Grove be restored."

kemmie nodded, the weight of her task clear. With a determined heart, she set off from the glade, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead and restore the balance of the Enchanted Grove.

Fri Jun 21 13:54:05 . music.. and conversation
~*sakari*~{M} said:
*a playful tug on His bottom lip.. an impish team in her eyes*

[End of Transfer]

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