The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Sat Jun 15 23:27:12 . Just One
unc said:

Sat Jun 15 23:26:06 . Just One
Maestro said:

Sat Jun 15 23:25:51 . Just One
unc said:
(had to google that one!)


Sat Jun 15 23:25:39 . Just One
unc said:
(had to google that one!)


Sat Jun 15 23:25:30 . One more word...
lil minx said:

Sat Jun 15 23:24:10 . Just One
Maestro said:

Sat Jun 15 23:23:25 . Z2 Corkboard
Gioia said:
I used to go bat-watching in Austin, Tx
It's an amazing spectacle.

Sat Jun 15 23:21:33 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
lets my mind wander over things I could so now that I'm done with American Idol

Sat Jun 15 23:21:24 . Just One
unc said:

Sat Jun 15 23:20:50 . The City OOC and IC Cork
Melody Belle said:
Ok folks let's roll with pride on the 22nd.

Let's start with performets who want to participate...hit me up.

Are we married to a venue or do we wanna switch it up.

Talk to me team!!!!

Sat Jun 15 23:17:52 . The Palisades - The City RPG
Holly Blanc said:
Deadeye Gun Range
Well she wasn't going to press the issue if you already ceded it.

Vargas was a viper of the highest order, but more than that: She was older than either of them. In their line of business. That's the most intimidating part, where you had to consider crow's feet and graying hair not as a sign of age, but survivability. Proof that she wielded a shrewd and pragmatic manner, one that survived all manner of opponents who may run the entire gamut of vicious.

…which made her think twice about any solution that would ever seem too simple or rely simply on thinking 'Nah, I'd win'.

"I think it's safe to assume the two know each other already, too. Might just be whatever happens, it's settled by them in negotiations, outside of our own awareness. Can only hope…" It made her feel like perhaps her best play going forward is just to shovel so much god damn money at Sinaloa that they couldn't afford to give her to Vargas.

…but with her looming debt to individuals who could easily be considered just as dangerous, ehhh…

When you offered her a turn, Holly set the tablet down by the table where boxes of the ammunition sat, and a third mag was halfway loaded before being set down. "Alright…"

Her shoulder was already a little achey from shooting the soviet ammo, and the military version of the gun was rated for the higher-pressure 135-grain rounds you'd brought in, what was loaded in. Not the polymer-cased training rounds, either…

"Me and Brix?" Holly's voice fumbled off of its near-robotic texture that she often took with you even as she fixed new paper to the target and sent it fluttering down to the end of the range in a hurry.

"…we're uh…" a telling delay as she sat, aimed the weapon while splitting its mass to her front elbow, tossing her hair a second to get it out of the way of her cheek, painting a few very patient dots.

"…I don't know, AJ. Some days I think he doesn't really care for Polyamory anymore…"

Four more in shockingly tight grouping, minus one straggler. A press of a button pulled the target back to her for examination as she fussed with calibration of the optic. "…and it doesn't help that Leo's like really… really hot."

Sat Jun 15 23:17:47 . Just One
Maestro said:

Sat Jun 15 23:16:38 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Victoria Forsythe said:
Fenix Arsenal
"Well, yes. At least there's a reason for it."

Echoing your own words with a wry smile. The war on the mega-corps is well-deserved and even with her background she can't argue it. Coming to Night City was the best thing she ever could have done for expanding her knowledge and world view. Even if she spent the first two months curled up in a ball living off savings and trying to wrap her head around everything being so different from how she was taught.

"Why do your eyes turn black like that?"

She's curious. She assumes it's some sort of cyberware, but not one she's encountered.

And then she lets her shoulders rise and fall again in another slight shrug.

"I mean, I'm happy to just hang out and watch what you do, but if you need help, I could use more steady work."

She jumps slightly when the spider-bots surprise her, and then she's grinning with delight. Okay, those are very awesome.

She watches the bots get working for a moment longer than strictly necessary while she considers how to answer your question. Just because she's allowing you to see her unguarded curiosity doesn't mean she's sure she's ready to open up about her background fully.

Finally, without looking at you, she lets out a quiet sigh. She has to trust that you're not going to judge her for what she was born into, now that she's chosen something else.

"My father's a Militech executive. I grew up in a much different world than this."

She doesn't offer more than that, but the way she looks back over at you directly suggests that she's open to questions. Honestly, she might offer more if she had any idea where to start, but there's so much in a whole life and she doesn't know what's really relevant here.

Sat Jun 15 23:16:20 . Just One
unc said:

Sat Jun 15 23:14:00 . Just One
Maestro said:

Sat Jun 15 23:13:20 . Just One
unc said:

Sat Jun 15 23:12:57 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

Sat Jun 15 23:12:27 . Just One
Maestro said:

Sat Jun 15 23:10:00 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

SilverDream has started a new game with the following players:

Sat Jun 15 23:09:04 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
drinks quietly while the place stays quiet

[End of Transfer]

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