The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 30 07:31:43 . One more word...
Apollo said:

Sun Jun 30 07:30:40 . Just One
Spyder John said:

Sun Jun 30 07:30:20 . Acro-verse
Apollo said:



Sun Jun 30 07:29:03 . New Town Edinburgh {Looking Glass RP}
Delilah Darling said:
The silence that stretched between you seemed to do so for an uncomfortably long beat, when in truth it amounted to little more than a lull in their conversation. But she knew you well enough to not be fooled by it, and when you spoke her name again with that too-perfect smile that was every shade as deceitful as her own had been, she braced herself for what was coming.

Your leisurely pace is only matched by your leisurely drawl as you tally up how many pastries she might purchase, and for who, and she feels her blush growing deeper still, flinching inside with each number you make such a show of counting off.

When you finally get to the heart of her evasiveness, and correctly deduce that she will have that very particular company at the seaside it’s a wonder the burning tips of her ears haven’t seared holes in her stylish yet modestly sized hat.

“And you, sir, are a louse!” she hisses good naturedly through the smile still plastered to her face for the benefit of the promenade. Slanting a glance up at you and that infuriating grin you wear, she can’t help but let a bubble of laughter slip free, and realises it is as much of relief as it is amusement. “You do not disapprove then...?”

Sun Jun 30 07:28:56 . Just One
belleanna said:

Sun Jun 30 07:27:56 . Just One
Spyder John said:

Sun Jun 30 07:26:35 . Acro-verse
plain katie said:



Sun Jun 30 07:24:16 . One more word...
cassandra(bi*f) said:

Sun Jun 30 07:22:14 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

Sun Jun 30 07:22:07 . Z2 Corkboard
Dr. Nyn said:

Sun Jun 30 07:22:06 . Just One
plain katie said:

Sun Jun 30 07:19:01 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

titsi has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 30 07:17:08 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

titsi has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 30 07:16:54 . Z2 Corkboard
Dr. Nyn said:

Sun Jun 30 07:15:47 . Just One
belleanna said:

Sun Jun 30 07:15:35 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

titsi has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 30 07:15:13 . New Town Edinburgh {Looking Glass RP}
Alexander Kincaid said:
He allowed a lull to form in their conversation, his steps unhurried though guiding them both surely towards The George. The chief aspect of promenading, after all, was to perform that very action; all the better if one was seen by one’s peers doing so - all part of the frankly inscrutable rules which governed the social circles of their class.

In that break in conversation, he allowed you the hope, nay, the false security, that he had accepted your misdirection and left it for that. But a poor investigator he would be if he did not get to the heart of the matter.

“So, Lila”, he took up the fight again, his tone light, his smile perfectly manufactured. “Will you be stopping by the hotel to pick up pastries, on your way for your train later in the week, then? I would bring a bag for them if so.”

He raised a hand and began counting. “Yourself.” His index finger slowly extended. “Your maid.” He added his middle finger to the first, holding out two. “And we cannot forget the one who, I dare say, is the very reason for your seaside escape, this mystery man of yours.” His thumb extends, three digits shown. He turned to you then and raised a brow. “You'll want two each, surely, and that is a lot of pastries, Lila.”

“Honestly, you must learn to stop blushing when you tell me your lies. But I am astonished. Not at what you are doing, but the boldness in which you are carrying it off. Truly, you are one of those widows which young men are warned against, in the pamphlets which proper society prints.” After a moment’s pause, he offered you a grin of honest admiration. “You minx.”

Sun Jun 30 07:14:30 . suck you is now suck me
BJB said:
going to one of the back booths

Sun Jun 30 07:14:26 . One more word...
Apollo said:

Sun Jun 30 07:14:04 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

titsi has started a new game with the following players:

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