The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 30 03:51:28 . One more word...
Apollo said:

Sun Jun 30 03:49:23 . Sacred Heart Mental Aslyum
Giggling from the hallway said:
Earl cued up the music so Miss. D could make her debut and on cue she strutted her stuff on out into the common room.

Sun Jun 30 03:49:05 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn said:
In to check on the Barista. Yawning softly, and Bruce hands me my first cup of the day*

Sun Jun 30 03:48:53 . music.. and conversation
~*sakari*~{M} said:
*a beast settled in to have a listen*

*smiling warm because she always enjoys the music from ~kellygreen~ *

Sun Jun 30 03:47:57 . Sacred Heart Mental Aslyum
Giggling from the hallway said:
Earl snuck behind the desk and picked up the phone. Pushing the button that put him on the P.A. system and started his intro.

"Ladies, Gentlemen and Loons of all ages. Tonight we have a special treat for you. All the way from the hot hole in the back. An no I ain't talking about Rizzi's. Making her debut right here for all of you lovely loon birds. I give you Miss. (Double) D-Meaner."

He made the crowd roar, hissing into the phone and trying his damndest not to giggle. Just as he got spotted he hung that phone up and skidaddled on out of there .

"Earl!!!" Trixie called out to him as he ran off and she shook her head.

Sun Jun 30 03:45:32 . Just One
Apollo said:

Sun Jun 30 03:45:24 . New Town Edinburgh {Looking Glass RP}
Delilah Darling said:
His invitation had said to meet him outside Eidyn House as he had some business to attend to there first thing. She was early, but with the first hints of Summer in the air the day was fine enough that she was quite content to loiter and people watch while she kept an eye on the door of number 38, across the street.

Smoothing down the long dark raspberry skirt of her walking suit, she glanced through the iron railing behind her and into the picturesque private garden that lay at the centre of the square. In the middle, a statue of the late Prince Albert sat astride his horse as he kept noble vigil over the square. Him and the pigeon perched atop his head, who clearly didn’t give a fig for royal protocol.

Sun Jun 30 03:44:46 . Z2 Corkboard
northern whispers said:
🇨🇦 Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦

Sun Jun 30 03:44:15 . Sacred Heart Mental Aslyum
Giggling from the hallway said:
Sacred Heart Mental Asylum
"Girrrl you know we're going to get in so much ca ca for this."

"Soooooooo. Not the first time we've gotten in trouble here."

"Well sheee-it you're right about that. If I'm going to H.E. Double hockey sticks. I'm glad to be going with you."

"I really do look like her don't I."
She fluffed her higher than heaven hair with a giggle and a twirl.

More giggling ensued.

"You ready? You sure about this?"

"Hell yeah!!! Cue up my intro and music Earl I'm ready to make my debut!!!"

Earl giggled and she touched up her lipstick and smacked her lips loudly. Then planted a big kiss on Earl's cheek. Leaving a whore red lip print on it, then applied more to her lips, adjusted her dress, propped the girls up on display and waited for her intro.

Sun Jun 30 03:43:29 . CAA: Create An Acronym
Apollo said:

Rub Engorged Yoni

Sun Jun 30 03:42:11 . A Game of Words
northern whispers said:

easy peasy lemon squeezy

Sun Jun 30 03:40:36 . bitchfit
amos marsden said:
(as the room empties
gracefully withdraws)

Sun Jun 30 03:38:45 . Acro-verse
Apollo said:


Next Word: ENCHANT

Sun Jun 30 03:38:14 . New Town Edinburgh {Looking Glass RP}
Delilah Darling said:
Another day, another carriage ride that should have been a walk. But her strength, though greatly improved, still left enough to be desired that even she had agreed that it would be best, really, to conserve what energy she had. Alexander Kincaid having to hold her up while they promenaded down George Street probably wasn’t quite the way they wanted to attract attention today.

So carriage it was, rather than foot, that had carried her the short distance from home to the corner of Charlotte Square and South Charlotte Street. Stepping down onto the pavement she waved at the driver with one hand as he turned the horses to head back home, while trying not to pay any attention to the Grey footman hanging off the back of the carriage.

Sun Jun 30 03:36:34 . A Game of Words
Apollo said:


Sun Jun 30 03:32:19 . Z2 Corkboard
Apollo said:
Happy Canada Day to all my Canuck friends….

Sun Jun 30 03:29:33 . bitchfit
amos marsden said:
i do have some experience in serving i have gained over the few years, Mistress

come closer and kneels before You

' greetings Mistress Cee.
Your communication, though brief
was entrancing to me. '

Sun Jun 30 03:29:17 . bitchfit
Mistress Cee said:
laughing well, that's the most imaginative thing you have managed.

Sun Jun 30 03:27:07 . bitchfit
mr johnson said:
(rt takes me away, until next time)

Sun Jun 30 03:25:13 . bitchfit
Mistress Cee said:
Oh, hello. Yes, you did seem to show some... marginal promise.

[End of Transfer]

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