The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Tue Jun 25 21:24:04 . The Wolf Quarter
I note your delicate wrist , the wounds that were treated with the potent healing salve only a Hand ago is completely head , without even the show of scars to prove that you were even hurt .. Its then that I mumble softly , low words that could barely be heard, even in this small room.."It was never my intentions to hurt you.." .. Then my eyes seem to focus again and I take a long pull from the paga .. The show in my eyes seem to relax at the warm soothing , numbing , liquid ..

When you stand , step around then plop back down I grin..

.."We make sure to keep stock of some of the most expensive concoctions , injections and salves in Holding such as this .. I am glad , as we are leaving tomorrow night after you and I have a good meal at the Inn here in town .."

Standing again , I grip my slave by the hair , tugging her up and tossing her over my right shoulder like a sack of suls, turning to leave..

"See woman ? .. Be good and you get rewarded.. Drink the water more slowly , not like a starving urt in a canal.

I like your hair that way.."

..Ducking through the door, I kick it shut .. Theres a pause and then a Raider locks it

Tue Jun 25 21:23:58 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
InVeigle said:

Tue Jun 25 21:22:57 . The Wolf Quarter
djinn{RED} said:
Leaving the bota upon the floor djinn returned to her Masters side,a sweep of tongue across her lips as she settles

Tue Jun 25 21:22:17 . Z2 Corkboard
sweet melissa said:
thank you timbre

Tue Jun 25 21:21:47 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
InVeigle said:

InVeigle has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 25 21:21:37 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
InVeigle said:

Tue Jun 25 21:20:58 . Z2 Corkboard
timbre said:
Happy Birthday!

Tue Jun 25 21:20:30 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Corpo Plaza
He doesn't say anything with regard to Haven. Not yet.

His only reaction to the word Richter is a slight narrowing of his eyes. And a slight smirk when Kendo confirms, yes, Richter had no reason to go after him anymore. Meaning Echo could get the drop on him now. That revenge plan was still in play.

Echo pockets the Favor Cards in his jacket.

"Look at that IRIDIA..." As Kendo starts talking to what he assumes is the man's boss..."someone kissing ass without lips."

Okay, now they can go. Out the office door. To the elevator. And once they reach the bottom floor and the doors open...

A standing ovation. Dozens of bounty hunters assembled to congratulate them. Some are smiling. Some look envious. Others cheer and pump their fists.

Echo pauses to take a half bow before making his way through the crowd to reclaim his weapons at the security desk.

"Yes, Haven will be happy with that." The delayed answer was finally spoken. "Richter, probably less so." Especially since Echo is still going to kill him.

Tue Jun 25 21:20:20 . The Wolf Quarter
Paesyn said:
The motion with a hand indicates to place the bota down on the floor within reach, her eyes gave but a courtesy glance to the pale slave before looking beyond to where he propped in the corner

Tue Jun 25 21:18:00 . Does the punishment fit the crime??
Owen said:
looking in

Tue Jun 25 21:17:54 . Wisteria
unc said:

Tue Jun 25 21:16:37 . The Wolf Quarter
djinn{RED} said:
Dark eyes glance up to you ever so briefly, it only takes that to see what many can never see,nor will ever see.

Nothing makes sense but in this reality it makes perfect sense and djinn never waivers in her service to you.

A soft hand stroking you brow as the moments of sleep you do catch are filled with unspoken terrors,your constant searching for something but it's never found ,many nights accompanying you under moonlight in silence seeking out what continually eludes you but djinn never shows fear at your anger only devotion.

After the paga is released from her small hand she moves to the Mistress with the bota of salty water held out ,still keeping away from the chain not wishing to become entangled in it.

Tue Jun 25 21:14:08 . bitchfit
titsi~ said:

Tue Jun 25 21:14:04 . Wisteria
unc said:
mmm.. LOVE those long socks :)

Tue Jun 25 21:12:47 . North Town Night City RPG
NPC Overseer said:
North Town
Kendo groans. Waving dismissively towards the door to get you two to leave.

"There is no case for Richter to be on anymore. No bounty. Nothing. Now leave."

Richter could receive some compensation for being the one to convince Echo to come in and do this mission for them. Minor details to work out.

His eyes light up...incoming call...

"Hellooooooo? Oh, what a pleasant surprise, Mr. Director... Sir..."

And off to schmoozing mode he goes...rotating his chair until his back faces both of you.

Tue Jun 25 21:11:13 . Wisteria
titsi~ said:

Tue Jun 25 21:08:48 . The New Clinic
jen24 said:
Stepping in

Tue Jun 25 21:08:16 . The Wolf Quarter
Paesyn said:
A hint of a smile teased her lips and found its way to be exposed in the eyes, shining from the depth of a forming curtain of braids and twists of dark hair still damp and soft tiny tiny curls. She did not speak of the removal of the chain or the lack of it, what raiders did or did not do where she was concerned. She knew enough about them from her life with Wolfs to know they did nothing without the approval of their leader.

Do you know how to braid or wrap and tie?

The words given were lightly spoken, serious without the tease that could have been expected.

In response to the other question, one moment she was seated, the next she stood; the movement was fluid and singularity, fingers still at the length of hair hanging to the waist, making a curve as it drapped upwards in the pinch of her fingers, one foot lifted. She took a step, and then another, before lowering herself down again as if she had never moved and began to tie off the next braid.

I moved to keep from becoming stiff and to keep you from having to waste the effort or dirty your weapons

The last few words when spoke carried the light hint of laughter, the smallest of smiles teased the full lips.

Tue Jun 25 21:06:28 . The Dock
plain katie said:
ok last one ...
here’s another good ol’ Texas boy … (this is not the one, either)
kind of a meager talent, but he could put together a decent band … see how many you can identify (full disclosure---i had help)
Roy Orbison / Oh, Pretty Woman

Tue Jun 25 21:05:40 . SHAME
Owen said:
looking in

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